Categories: Canadian Study Permit

How to get a Canadian Study Permit and meeting Study Permit Application Requirements

Study Permits for Canadians

Every year, millions of people from around the world visit Canada every year. There are many reasons why they visit Canada. They visit to see our beautiful scenery and landscape, visit their loved ones, or study in one of the best educational systems in the world. If you are looking to take advantage of Canada’s excellent education system, you may require the study permit which will be discussed further below.

What is the study permit?

The Canadian study permit is a permit that allows an international student to temporarily immigrate to Canada to study in a post-secondary institution.

In the case you are a student in a foreign country, and you want to travel abroad to Canada you will need to have a study permit to pursue your full time studies in Canada. Thus, if your planned study term is less than six months, then a study permit will not be necessary. In most cases a visa won’t be required but it depends on your home country as there are different guidelines for each country. There are requirements to obtain the study permit.

What are the Canadian study permit requirements?

There are certain requirements that you must comply with in order to be able to obtain the study permit in Canada and these requirements are:

  • To have been accepted by a designated learning institution
  • To be financially stable to support your stay in Canada, pay for your tuition, and to leave Canada once your studies are complete
  • Not be a risk to Canadian society
  • Be admissible to come to Canada (i.e. criminally, medically, etc.)
  • Complete a medical examination if required
  • That the stay is temporary and you will leave Canada once your studies are complete

What study permit documentation do I need to include with my application?

In the study permit application, there is certain documentation that you will need to include. Documentation that you will need to include are:

  • The completed application package (can be found on the CIC website)
  • A travel document (i.e. a passport)
  • Proof of identification
  • Letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution (very important)
  • Show that you have enough money for tuition, living expenses, and transportation (i.e. bank letters, financial support from family there)
  • Demonstrate ties back with your home country to show that you will return once your study term is over
  • Quebec Certificate of Acceptance (if you are applying for a study permit in Quebec)

In addition to this, you must show to the officer that you won’t pose a risk to Canadian society. Thus, your communication with the officer is very important for your application to be successful. It is up to the office on whether to accept or deny you the study permit.

With a study permit, you will be allowed to work on campus. However there will be as set number of hours that you will be able to work per a week. If you want to work off campus you can do so as well as part of a recent change to Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

You can apply for a study permit along with a temporary resident or visa, work permits, etc. Even as a dependent you can still apply. This allows you if you brought your spouse and children along with you, for them to study while there.

If you want you can change your field of study, school, or program using the same study permit. But there are different steps involved if you are enrolled in a primary or secondary school. While you are studying you may want to extend your stay. You can extend your term even further if you desire. Moreover the study permit allows you to apply for permanent residency in the future (discussed further below).

How can I apply for my study permit application?

You can either apply online or by paper. You will also need to indicate the Designated Learning Institution (DLI) on the application. If the officer assessing your application deems it is necessary for you to undergo a medical examination, then they will tell you and how to obtain it.

It is advisable to apply for a study permit well in advance. If you are applying to study in Quebec, then it will take longer. Also when applying for a study permit in Quebec, you will require a Quebec Certificate of Acceptance. When applying at a port of entry, it is recommended to maintain good communication with the officer. If the officer feels you will cause trouble or pose a risk to Canadian society then you will be denied entry. A strong application with good communication with the officer can almost guarantee acceptance.

If any of your documents are in another language other than English or French, you will require a certified translation along with the original documentation.

Are there cases in which I do not require obtaining a study permit?

There are certain cases where you will not always require obtaining a study permit if you intend on studying in Canada. These certain exceptions that you won’t require a study permit are if:

  • You are going to be studying in Canada for under six months
  • You are a representative of your foreign country
  • You are a member of the armed forces in your country
  • You are from a foreign country and are a Registered Indian in Canada

Can I work while studying in Canada?

The answer to this is yes, you can work while studying in Canada. You can obtain either the on-campus work permit or the off-campus work permit depending on your circumstances.

If the work is part of your study (for example: co-op, internship), then you will not require having to obtain a work permit.

How can I work off-campus while on study permit?

You can gain work experience in addition to studying in Canada. You will not require an off-campus work permit in order to do so. This change was made on June 1st, 2014. The requirements to be eligible to work off-campus without having to obtain a work permit are stated under R186 (f) (v) (w) are:

  • To have a study permit
  • Have a social insurance number (SIN)
  • Enrolled in either an academic, vocational, or professional program
  • Enrolled at a designated learning institution
  • Your program leads to either a degree, diploma, or certificate

If your circumstances change and you no longer meet the above requirements, you will not be permitted work of campus any further.

The maximum amount of hours you are allowed to work under the off-campus work permit is up to 20 hours. During school breaks (i.e. winter break, spring break, you will be permitted to work full time hours.

But it will state on your study permit if you are allowed to work off campus. If it does not state you are allowed to work off campus, then you can apply for an amendment to your study permit. You can do so by filing “Request to Amend the Record of Landing, Confirmation of Permanent Residence or Valid Temporary Resident” (Form IMM 1436) to the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada). This form can be found on the CIC website.

Can I extend my Canadian study permit?

You can extend your study permit. To do so, you must Form IMM 5708 “Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada” and submit it to the CIC. You can apply in one of two ways. The first way would be to get the form and send it to the CIC office. The second way would be to apply online.

I am coming to work in Canada temporarily with my dependents. Can they obtain study permits?

You, your spouse, and dependents can obtain a study permit if you are coming on a temporary resident visa provided that the period of stay is over six months. You will be required to apply for the study permit from before and still meet the requirements of obtaining a study permit.

Can my study permit lead to permanent residence in Canada?

An advantage of study permits is that it can lead to permanent residency in Canada. For permanent residency you must be present in Canada for 2 years (730 days) out of the past five years. Then your permanent resident status can lead to Canadian citizenship in the future.

How can we help you at Akrami and Associates?

At Akrami and Associates, we have helped many international students achieve their hope of studying in Canada and we can help you too. If you have any questions/seeking clarification on study permits, or are looking to book a consultation with one of our legal representatives, feel free to give us a call today at our number 416-477-2545 or toll free at 1-877-820-7121, or email at

If you are looking to file the application on your own, we offer the “Do It Yourself Kit” which is an immigration kit on study permits. These easy to understand kits provide you a step by step guide on how to obtain the study permit and fill out the application on your own just like pro!! We also provide these kits in elite bundles which come added with a consultation and a final review on your application by one of our legal representatives. Contact us for more details.

Akrami and Associates are here to help.

With Akrami and Associates, there is always a way!

Shabnam Akrami

Shabnam Akrami is the Managing Partner and Founder of Akrami & Associates. p> Prior to receiving her Paralegal Diploma with Honours, she completed her Law Degree from the UK at the University of London as well as completed a Post Graduate Diploma. In addition, she has also graduated from York University where she received both her Bachelor in Criminology and Masters in Socio-Legal Studies. She is also a Member in good standing with Law Society of Upper Canada. Prior to opening her own firm, she gained extensive experience in corporate immigration law; specializing in work permits, temporary resident permits and rehabilitation cases. She has in depth and hands on experience in all Canadian Immigration and Citizenship matters. These matters include preparation and submission of applications for permanent residence, work permits, NAFTA applications, labour market opinions, temporary resident permits, sponsorships, and business investors. Shabnam is dedicated to all her clients and committed to the successful completion of all the immigration matters in her care. With Shabnam, there is always a way!

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