Immigration Blog

International Students Becoming Permanent Residents

Applying for Permanent Residence as an International Student

As an International student in Canada, experiencing the Canadian education system and observing the Canadian culture, can definitely insight some interest in permanently residing in Canada. It has been revealed that more International students have been transitioning into permanent residents after graduating from their studies. In the 2017 to 2018 academic year, there has been an influx of international students migrating to Canada to pursue their educations; they attribute their coming to Canada based on Canada’s stable and welcoming environment for International students. Additionally, as these international students continue their studies in Canada, they choose to migrate permanently to Canada for the same reasons. In this article, I will explain why International Students are choosing Canada as their permanent residence and how permanent residence is achieved for International students.

How Many International Students are coming to Canada

Many International students find the idea of coming to Canada very enticing and are enthusiastic about starting their educational careers in Canada. Due to Canada being one of the top-ten study destinations worldwide, it does not come as a surprise that more International students will want to travel here. Specifically, within the years from 2008 to 2016, the amount of study permits that have been issued each year has more than doubled. For instance, in 2008, there was an amount of 128,411 study permits issued, in comparison with 2016, where the study permits issued increased to an astounding number of 267,780. However, there have been even more study permits issued that by the end of 2016 there were more than 414,000 study permits issued. Although, these numbers may be different from the actual international students residing in Canada – some study permit holders may not actually be physically present in Canada, and in addition, many international students study in Canada without a study permit. Therefore, this is a rough estimation.

Approximately half of the International students arriving in Canada are studying in Ontario. While the other half are spread throughout British Columbia and Quebec mainly, and other provinces alike. Specifically, Ontario makes up 46% of all International Students in Canada; British Columbia makes up 25% of all International Students in Canada; Quebec makes up 13% of all International Students in Canada; Prairie provinces combined make up 11% of all International Students in Canada; and last but not least, Atlantic provinces combined make up 5% of all International Students in Canada.

Where Are the International Students Coming From?

In certain educational institutions across Canada, they have noticed International students coming from specific countries. They have compiled data that shows where exactly their International students are travelling from. For instance, at the University of Toronto, which is a very popular university in Canada, more than double the amount of American students have accepted their offers of admission for 2017, in comparison with 2016. On the other hand, Brock University, another university in Ontario, has seen an upsurge in applications from international students, by approximately 30%. Additionally, they have also seen an increase in the early stages of the admission cycle, specifically International students accepting their offer of admission, by approximately 36%.

There has been data for 2017 from the University of Alberta’s International program showing that foreign nationals who have applied to graduate programs has risen 82% overall. Specifically, there has been an increase in the numbers of Americans at 60%, Indians at 152%, and Iranians at 196%. For undergraduate programs, international applications have risen by 27%, in comparison with the growth rate of 11% in the previous year of 2016. On the other hand, Concordia University, a popular university in Montreal, stated that it has observed increases of approximately 325% in the number of undergraduate applications from certain countries, such as Mexico at 325%, Iran 317%, and India at 233%.

Overall, there have been a variety of International students coming from all different countries because they believe Canada can provide them with a stable and comfortable learning environment and thus they eventually transition into permanently residing in Canada. Overall, Canada has and will be steadily increasing in terms of destination countries.

How do International Students Gain Permanent Residency for Canada

Once an International student graduates from their designated educational institution, they may then apply for a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP). This specific work permit permits them to work anywhere in Canada, for any employer they wish, for up to a maximum of three years. The Post-Graduate Work Permit program is intended to attract international students to come to Canada and open their chances of available work opportunities. The increase in applications for the PGWP program is similar to those of International study permits. For example, at the end of 2008, there was approximately over 15 thousand PGWP holders; whereas, by the end of 2016, there was approximately over 100 thousand PGWP holders.

The benefit of the PGWP program is that it is helpful in assisting International students gain permanent residency. Especially because they have the opportunity to work and remain in Canada while their application for permanent residence is still processing.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you wish to apply for a study permit and you are an foreign national or if you are currently studying in Canada as an international student and wish to pursue an Post-Graduate Work Permit or gain permanent residency, we can help you with this process. Post-Graduate Work Permits and Permanent Resident applications, alike, are not an easy process. Any Immigration application can become overwhelming if done alone; therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to submit an application. Here, at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped many of our clients receive Study Permits, Post-Graduate Work Permits and gain Permanent Residency. If you believe that you might be eligible, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advise.

With Akrami & Associates there is always a way!

Shabnam Akrami

Shabnam Akrami is the Managing Partner and Founder of Akrami & Associates. p> Prior to receiving her Paralegal Diploma with Honours, she completed her Law Degree from the UK at the University of London as well as completed a Post Graduate Diploma. In addition, she has also graduated from York University where she received both her Bachelor in Criminology and Masters in Socio-Legal Studies. She is also a Member in good standing with Law Society of Upper Canada. Prior to opening her own firm, she gained extensive experience in corporate immigration law; specializing in work permits, temporary resident permits and rehabilitation cases. She has in depth and hands on experience in all Canadian Immigration and Citizenship matters. These matters include preparation and submission of applications for permanent residence, work permits, NAFTA applications, labour market opinions, temporary resident permits, sponsorships, and business investors. Shabnam is dedicated to all her clients and committed to the successful completion of all the immigration matters in her care. With Shabnam, there is always a way!

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