Common-law Sponsorship

Work permits for Students Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers for Work permits for Students In this article, I will address questions and answers for work permits…

7 years ago

FAQs for the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

FAQ – Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program In this article, I will address a few popular questions and answers for the…

7 years ago

How to Find the Right Educational Institution for You

How to Determine Which School is best for you in Canada When deciding to come to Canada to study, there…

7 years ago

How to Find Work in Canada

How to Successfully Find Employment Opportunities in Canada Many individuals from all around the world have the desire to come…

7 years ago

Conditional Permanent Residence for Spouses and Partners Removed

Conditional Permanent Residence Removed On April 28, 2017- the government of Canada removed the conditions that applied to some sponsored…

7 years ago

Hiring Foreign Worker to Canada

How can I Work in Canada as Foreign Worker? Do you have barriers that restrict you from many great job opportunities…

8 years ago

How To Apply For An Open Work Permit For Your Spouse

What is an Open Work Permit? An Open Work Permit is a Work Permit that does not require any job…

9 years ago

Can I Enter Canada If I Have a Criminal Record

Am I deemed Inadmissible to enter Canada with a criminal record? Under Canada’s Immigration law, if you have committed or…

9 years ago

Family Sponsorship

Can a same-sex partner be sponsored? If you were married in Canada then your same-sex marriage will be valid in…

9 years ago

Can I Stay In Canada After Graduation?

Yes, you can stay in Canada after graduation so long as you maintain valid status. After graduating from a post-secondary…

9 years ago

Important Documents for Spousal Sponsorship Video

When you are filing a spousal sponsorship application, there are many different types of documents that you must include and…

7 years ago

How to Sponsor Your Common Law Partner Video

This video outlines how you can sponsor your common-law partner to Canada and important spousal sponsorship documents you need to include with…

7 years ago

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