Federal Skilled Worker Program

FSW 2014 Federal Skilled Workers List of Eligible Occupations

The Federal Skilled Worker Program is for individuals who have experience in a particular field and have developed a certain…

11 years ago

Federal Skilled Worker Program

Canada is a country that offers many opportunities. We have a comprehensive immigration system that acknowledges the value of having…

11 years ago

Federal Skilled Category Elimination Conditions Video

Economic immigrants are people selected for their skills and ability to contribute to Canada's economy, including Skilled Workers, Business Immigrants,…

9 years ago

Federal Skilled Worker Program FSW How We Can Help Video

Applying for permanent residency in Canada under the Federal Skilled Worker Program category but unsure where to start? Watch our video…

10 years ago

Options to Immigrate to Canada Video

Want to settle in Canada? Unsure which path you should take? Watch our video to learn about the options available…

10 years ago

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