How long can I stay on a Visitor Visa


ABOUT CELPIP AND IELTS When applying for permanent residence to Canada, most applications require you take language assessment test to…

4 years ago

Permanent Residence (PR) and Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds (H&C)

Applying for PR with H&C Submitting an application for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate (PR with H&C) consideration is…

6 years ago

Temporary Residence Visa Canada Video

If you are planning to visit Canada you will need Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) also known as Visitor Visa which authorizes…

9 years ago

Visitor Visa Durations Video

Applying for a Visitor Visa application to Canada? Wondering for how long you can request your stay? Watch our video to learn what the…

9 years ago

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