Inland vs Overseas Spousal Sponsorhsip Application

Questions About Sponsorship Video

Want to get reunited with a loved one? Watch our video that covers general questions about sponsorship such as eligibility…

9 years ago

Inland vs Overseas Sponsorship Video

If you are looking into sponsoring a spouse/common law/conjugal partner to Canada but unsure whether to file inland or overseas…

9 years ago

How to Sponsor your Spouse to Canada Video

Before you can sponsor your spouse to Canada, there are several different factors that you should consider. Some factors include…

7 years ago

Inland Sponsorship Processing Times Video

Are you planning to file a Inland Sponsorship Application to sponsor a loved one to Canada? If so, then watch…

9 years ago

Dependents and the LICO Video

If you are filing a spousal sponsorship application and your spouse has a dependent child then mostly likely you need…

9 years ago

Visitor Visa and Spousal Sponsorship Video

Wondering if you can sponsor your loved one and still have them visit in the meantime? Watch our video on…

9 years ago

How to Apply for Spousal Open Work Permit Video

A spousal open work permit can be obtained if you have submitted an inland application in Canada. Inland sponsorship applications provides…

9 years ago

Spousal Application File Inland or Overseas Video

You can sponsor your loved one from either inside or outside of Canada. There are pros and cons to either…

9 years ago

Canada Spousal Sponsorship Application Video

There are many important documents you need to include to file a successful Spousal Sponsorship application in Canada. Watch our video to…

9 years ago

Submitting Spousal or Common Law or Conjugal Application Video

When it comes to submitting a spousal, common-law or conjugal application to immigration Canada you need to prove genuineness in the…

9 years ago

Inland vs Overseas Spousal Sponsorship Video

Want to sponsor your spouse to Canada? Wondering whether to submit a Inland or Overseas application? Watch our video to help determine your…

9 years ago

Bars to Spousal Sponsorship Video

There are 9 main reasons immigration Canada can deny your spousal sponsorship application. Watch our video and learn on basis…

9 years ago

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