Currently on a Work Permit and Want to Apply for PR

Currently on a Work Permit and Want to Apply for PR

If you are currently on a work permit with permanent residence as your end goal, the Canadian experience class might be a viable solution for you. The Canadian experience is geared towards facilitating the permanent resident status of those who’ve already obtained eligible work experience in Canada.

Before you can determine your eligibility for this, you will need to assess the merits of your own occupation. You’ll need to determine the scope classification of your position, as only high-skill level positions are eligible for the Canadian experience class category. Your application must be classified as either being a skill level of A, B or 0.

In order to classify your occupation, you need to refer to the national occupational classification matrix or NOC. Use the NOC to review the duties of your occupation vs. the duties found in the comparative NOC classification. If you can do a quick search for a job title to narrow down the search to occupations in your particular field of work but do not rely heavily on the job title as your duties are what is most important.

If you discover that your job meets the requirements of being classified as A, B or 0, you’ve completed the first step toward the successful application of the Canadian experience class. If the next up to keep in mind is that you have the right educational background as well as work experience for your intended occupation in Canada and have been working on a full-time basis.

You’ll also need to demonstrate your language proficiency in either English or French, and certain benchmark levels are recognized English proficiency test. You’ll need some understanding of the English language in order to be successful in your intended application.

If the Canadian experience class application is not for you, you may have other options available to you in Canada. Akrami & Associates would be happy to guide you through the options available and determine what the next best steps are for you.

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