Common Law Sponsorship: Supporting Documents

Common Law Sponsorship: Supporting Documents

Personal statements are very important; however, just because something is written down does not make it true. Where possible, you will need to provide evidence of the statements you make in your application forms and personal statement.  For example, if you say that you have resided together since July 18, 2001, provide documentation that will show this.

We understand that some of the events you refer to may have happened many years ago, and you may not have most of the documents from them. If you are having trouble collecting a certain document and want to know if it is required, please contact us, as this is a crucial part of your application.

Documents you should include if you have them:

  1. Include letters of reference from friends and family members describing the genuineness of your relationship. These letters can talk about how long the reference has known you and your partner and the positive aspects of your relationship the reference has noticed. These letters should be as detailed as possible (i.e. Instead of saying, “I’ve known Joan and Mike for a long time,” try “I’ve known Joan since we were in high school together in 1992, and she introduced me to Mike at a party at their home in Seattle, Washington on March 5, 1999.”) Letters should also be signed by the person who wrote them and include contact information.
  2. Any documents demonstrating your financial ties to your partner, including shared household bills, records of gifts or financial support, wills or insurance policies with your partner as the beneficiary, a lease agreement/mortgage agreement/deed with both your names.

The more supporting evidence you can provide, the better. Do not discount anything. An officer will be assessing this information, and it stands to reason that the more documentary evidence you can provide to support the gaminess of your relationship, the more accurate that statement becomes.

Items like gift receipts, travel itineraries, tickets to events, etc. Anything you have done together will be helpful in demonstrating this key factor.

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