Immigration Blog

FAQs for International Experience Canada

FAQ – International Experience Canada

In this article, I will address a few popular questions and answers for International Experience Canada and some important information to consider when applying under this program. The International Experience Canada (IEC) program was intended for youth to be provided with the opportunity to work in Canada temporarily. Additionally, youth from designated countries that are between the ages of 18 and 35 may be eligible for IEC work permits. If you feel as though you would be eligible to apply under the IEC program, I suggest you read our article on “What is the Youth Mobility Program” before reading this question and answer article. The intention of this article is meant to clarify any misunderstanding or confusion with regards to International Experience Canada.

Q: Are there specific jobs that I can work for in Canada under the IEC program?

A: Not necessarily. Under the IEC program, you are able to work in a variety of different areas. However, this entirely depends on what job you intend on working and how determined you are to find a job. Most common jobs that youth tend to work for are in the tourism and hospitality industries, such as working for restaurants, hotels, etc. In these jobs, the employers are often more willing to offer temporary employment for temporary periods of time. However, it is important to note that if you have the appropriate skills and experience, you may also pursue jobs in fields such as law, health, education, etc.

Q: Is it essential to submit a valid job offer when I submit my IEC profile?

A: Submitting a valid job offer with your profile entirely depends on the category you are applying for under the IEC program. For instance, if you apply in the Working Holiday category, you are not required to submit a valid job offer with your profile. Whereas, if you apply in the Young Professionals or International Co-op (Internship) categories, then you will require a valid job offer when submitting your profile. Keep in mind, the valid job offer must be either for a job, a work placement or an internship.

Q: Is it possible to submit my IEC profile before turning 18 years old?

A: Unfortunately, no. In order to participate in the IEC program, you must be at least 18 years old on the date you submit your profile.

Q: What if I’m almost too old to apply for IEC. Can I still apply?

A: Fortunately, yes, you can still apply and submit your profile to an IEC pool. Additionally, your profile will be kept in this pool until your birthday, IEC removes all profiles from the pool or your profile has been within the pool for 1 year. Another benefit is that if IEC invites you to apply before your birthday, this means that you have successfully passed the eligibility requirements with regards to age for the IEC program.

Q: Once I participate in the IEC program, am I a permanent resident of Canada?

A: Participating in the IEC program does not automatically give you permanent residency in Canada. If you would like to live in Canada and obtain permanent residency, then you must apply for permanent residency respectively. There are many programs in Canada that lead to permanent residence; however, IEC is not one of them.

Q: Is it possible for someone to assist me with planning my trip to Canada or even finding a job for IEC?

A: Yes, it is possible for someone to assist you with planning your trip to Canada and even finding a job for IEC. You may contact a recognized organization, such as International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE), if you’d like help in technical career-related jobs, for instance. However, there are many other recognized organizations in Canada and they may offer support and advice. Keep in mind, in order to receive these services; there is a fee they charge. Therefore, it is important to contact the recognized organizations beforehand.

Q: Is there a difference between an IEC work permit and other work permits in Canada?

A: Yes, there is a difference between an IEC work permit and other work permits in Canada. To clarify, you may only receive an IEC work permit if you’re an eligible foreign youth; you have a profile within the IEC pool; and you have received an invitation to apply for an IEC work permit. Other work permits in Canada have different eligibility requirements in order to apply as well. However, there is a difference between the two.

Q: Does IEC provide any financial assistance for participants? Do they offer any other services?

A: IEC does not provide any financial assistance for participants. They do not provide any other services either. Of course, travelling to Canada and obtaining work in Canada is a very exciting prospect. Therefore, it is essential to plan your travels beforehand and make sure you are financially able to provide for your needs in Canada. Specifically, you are entirely responsible for your own travels to Canada, health insurance, application processing fees and much more while participating in the IEC program.

Contact Akrami & Associates

Should you have any further questions or feel confused or unclear about how to apply for the International Experience Canada program, it is important to talk about any questions you may have and discuss your concerns. By talking to immigration professionals about your concerns, this will ease your worries and assist with the application process. Many immigration applications are difficult to pursue on your own and it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to apply. Here, at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped our clients apply and participate in the International Experience Canada program. If you believe that you may be eligible for either, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advise.

With Akrami & Associates, there is always a way!

Shabnam Akrami

Shabnam Akrami is the Managing Partner and Founder of Akrami & Associates. p> Prior to receiving her Paralegal Diploma with Honours, she completed her Law Degree from the UK at the University of London as well as completed a Post Graduate Diploma. In addition, she has also graduated from York University where she received both her Bachelor in Criminology and Masters in Socio-Legal Studies. She is also a Member in good standing with Law Society of Upper Canada. Prior to opening her own firm, she gained extensive experience in corporate immigration law; specializing in work permits, temporary resident permits and rehabilitation cases. She has in depth and hands on experience in all Canadian Immigration and Citizenship matters. These matters include preparation and submission of applications for permanent residence, work permits, NAFTA applications, labour market opinions, temporary resident permits, sponsorships, and business investors. Shabnam is dedicated to all her clients and committed to the successful completion of all the immigration matters in her care. With Shabnam, there is always a way!

Published by
Shabnam Akrami
Tags: Akrami & AssociatesAmerican Denied Entry to CanadaCanadian immigration officer at port of entry interview questionsCriminal InadmissibilityCriminal Inadmissibility CanadaCriminal Inadmissibility Frequently Asked Questionsdeemed inadmissible to canadaDenied Entry at Port of Entry for Inadmissibility Issuesdenied entry at the border for criminal offense videoDenied Entry at the Canadian BorderDenied Entry into CanadaDenied entry to CanadaDenied entry to Canada by Officers at the Border VideoDenied Entry to Canada Can I File My Own Application?Denied Entry to Canada for Criminality or InadmissibilityDenied Entry to Canada for DUIdenied entry to canada interview questions at the port of entryDenied entry to Canada Temporary Resident Permitdenied entry to canada videosdenied entry to canada what questions to expect at the port of entry videodenied entry to canada what supporting documents to show to the immigration officer at the port of entry videoDenied Entry to Canada/TRP/Criminal Inadmissibility/Medical InadmissibilityDetermining if Criminal Inadmissibility is Minordocuments needed to overcome inadmissibility to Canadadocuments to show to overcome inadmissibility to canadaH&C and InadmissibilityHow to Apply for the IEC programI have a business meeting and denied entry to canada videoi have to come to canada for business but denied entryI have to come to canada for business but denied entry videoI was denied entry to canada for inadmissibility what can i doImmigration LawyerInadmissibility Deemed Rehabilitation.inadmissibility Facts videosInadmissibility Issues to CanadaQuestions and Answers for IEC programReasons for for Inadmissibility to Canadareasons to be denied entry to canada videoTemporary Resident Permit (TRP)What An Officer Looks For When You Arrive At The Border?why am i denied entry to canadaYouth Mobility Program

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