Nova Scotia Nominee Program NSNP

Nova Scotia enjoys a quality of life that some might consider is quickly evaporating in todays modern society. The province boasts hard work is tempered by an appreciation for the natural beauty that encircles this province. Nova Scotia, like many other provinces, enjoys the ability to nominate immigrants for permanent residence in this province that prides work, family relaxation and responsibility.

The Nova Scotia Nominee Program is divided into three main categories:

  • Skilled Worker
  • Community Identified
  • Family Business worker

The Skilled worker program assists employers with hiring workers whose skills are currently in demand. The skilled worker program is further divided into three sub categories:

  • Skilled workers are considered to be those with an occupation classification of NOC skill level 0, A or B. These applicants will be treated with priority in this province.
  • Semi Skilled workers have occupations that fall under NOC skill level C. These applications will be assessed based on current labour market demands in Nova Scotia. Semi skilled workers also require at least six months of work with the Nova Scotia employer supporting the application
  • Low Skilled Workers are classified as NOC skill level D. These applications are considered only if all other criteria have been met, the applicant has worked for the employer at least 6 months and there is strong employer support

The Community Identified program is aimed at those who have strong ties to the community and wish to live in Nova Scotia permanently. These candidates will have excellent employment prospects and can contribute to the economy of Nova Scotia. In order to be considered for this category, the applicant cannot qualify for any other stream.

The Family Business Worker stream of the Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program will help family businesses hiring close relatives who have the work experience and required skills for positions that are unable to be filled be the current labour market. The Family Business Worker will have a full time permanent job offer from an employer before submitting an application.

Relationships to the business owner that qualify are:

  • Son or daughter
  • Brother or sister
  • Niece or nephew
  • Uncle or aunt
  • Grandchild

Nova Scotia is a province of rural and unspoiled beauty and hopes to facilitate the same ideals it encompasses in the immigrants they nominate for the provincial nominee program. This province aims to not only assist in labour shortages but maintain family values by assisting in reconnecting families while benefitting the province.


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