Submitting Spousal or Common Law or Conjugal Application Video

Submitting Spousal or Common Law or Conjugal Application

The primary function of a spousal, common law, or conjugal application is to prove the genuineness of your relationship. Providing solely a marriage certificate does not do the trick  as it is not sufficient enough. There is way more to a relationship than a marriage certificate.

For common law just submitting documentation to prove your 12 months of residence together will not suffice either, as you know boyfriends and girlfriends live together. There as to be a conjugal and committed relationship to prove the common law so you want to go a little above to show residence, you want to show responsibility, you want to show commitment for the common application. For the conjugal, you have to demonstrate why you cannot be together. Usually it’s the laws that prevent you from being together and also demonstrate that this is a bonafide genuine relationship and you’ve tried everything possible to be together but can’t (for whatever reason).

Clients are always encouraged to review their documents one more time before you submit it and pretend they’re in front of an immigration officer and ask do believe everything you wanted to prove came across and if it doesn’t speak out its most likely because of lack of documentation and lack of explanation. What we do is we take all this documentation and we prepare a thorough step by step application so the immigration officer knows what the relationship is about and also knows the significance of some of the documentation.

If you’re looking at filing a spousal, conjugal or common law application give us a call and let us help you move forward.

With Akrami & Associates there is always a way!

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