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    February 9, 2018

    Business Visitors Exempt from Work Permit Video

    Are you a business professional and require to travel to Canada to attend a business meeting or an important convention? Luckily for business visitors, they do not require to obtain a work permit prior to entering Canada for work purposes. Watch our video below on the eligibility requirements for [...]

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    December 6, 2015

    Canada Business Visitor Qualifications Video

    Are you a Business Visitor to Canada? Not sure if you meet the qualification criteria as Business Visitor to be exempt from obtaining a Work Permit to Canada? Watch our video and find out if you meet the definition as a Business Visitor to Canada or if you need to apply for a Work Permit.

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    December 6, 2015

    Business Visitor Visa Exemptions for Artists Video

    Are you an artist and like to visit Canada for Business? Wondering if your occupation is exempt from obtaining a Canadian Work Permit? If so, watch our video and find out if you fall under the definition of an artist to be exempted from obtaining a Work Permit for Canada.

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    December 6, 2015

    Business Visitor Exemptions Documents to Show at Border Video

    Wondering what type of documents to present as the Business Visitor at the Canadian immigration border to demonstrate you are exempt from the Work Permit? If so, watch our video on what documents to include in your Business Visitor Visa application to demonstrate your sole purpose is to conduct business and not enter the Canadian Labour Market.

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    September 29, 2015

    Business Visitor Requirements Video

    If you are travelling to Canada for business there are certain requirement you need to meet as a Business Visitor. The immigration officer looks for important supporting documents that shows the applicant is Bona Fide Business Visitor. Watch our video below that discusses 8 important documents  that the immigration officer will be looking for when applying for a Business Visitor Visa Application.

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    September 29, 2015

    Business Visitor Qualifications Video

    Are you travelling to Canada for business and not sure whether you need to obtain a Canadian Work Permit? Watch our video below on what your roles and responsibilities are as a Business Visitor to Canada and how you can meet qualification criteria as a Business Visitor to Canada. 

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    September 29, 2015

    Do I need a Work Permit as a Supervisor Video

    Are you travelling to Canada for business and like to know if you are exempt from obtaining a Work Permit? Watch our video below to find whether or not you need to apply for the Canadian Work Permit when your sole purpose is to train or supervise the staff members.

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    September 29, 2015

    Frequent Business Visitor Video

    If you are frequent Business Visitor to Canada you may be stopped by Canadian immigration officer at the Port of Entry for the purpose of your visit to Canada. To help you avoid being stopped at the Canadian Port of Entry watch the video below on how you can prepare a successful application as a Business Visitor to Canada.

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    September 29, 2015

    Business Visitor After Sales Service Agreement Video

    If you are travelling to Canada as a Business Visitor and not sure what the After Sales Service Agreement means or what your responsibilities are as Business Visitor in regards to the After Sales Service Agreement then watch our video below so that you may avoid complications at the Canadian Port of Entry.

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    July 22, 2015

    What is a Business Visitor Video

    Are you planning to visit Canada for Business? If so, then our watch our video below on what is a Business Visitor, what qualification criteria you have to meet and the documentation you need to prepare to be eligible as Business Visitor to Canada.

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    July 22, 2015

    Business Visitors What to Expect Video

    If you are travelling to Canada for business purposes then watch our video below on how you can qualify as a Business Visitor to Canada. This video will help you understand what you can expect at the Canadian Port of Entry as a Business Visitor, how you can prepare a successful application and what documentation you need to have handy when entering Canada as a Business Visitor.

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    July 22, 2015

    Business Visitors Applying at the Port Video

    Are you a foreign national and wish to conduct business in Canada? If so, you may be eligible to apply for a Business Visitor Visa at the Canadian Port of Entry. Watch our video below to find out who qualifies as a Business Visitor and what the immigration officer looks for to determine if you are Business Visitor or if you need to apply for a Work Permit and perhaps go through the Labour Market Impact Assessment.