Study Permit Videos
Canadian Immigration: Study Permit
Are you interested in studying in Canada? If so, then you need to apply for a Canadian Study Permit. In order to apply for Study Permit you need to meet certain eligibility criteria set by Immigration Canada to qualify under this category. Watch our Canadian Immigration videos below on Study Permits and learn what you can do to be an eligible applicant and the process involved to obtain a Canadian Study Permit.
June 28, 2019
Getting a Canadian Study Permit
Getting a Canadian Study Permit If you are a recent graduate of a high school and would like to go to school in Canada, you need a Study Permit and may require a Visa based on your country of citizenship. If you would like to know the requirements [...]
June 14, 2019
Getting a Canadian Study Permit
Getting a Canadian Study Permit This video will be talking Getting a Canadian Study Permit. We will discuss how you can get a it by showing the right documents that you need to include in your application. Watch our video to learn more! With Akrami & Associates there [...]
October 20, 2017
Study Permits in Canada Video
The most important part of a study permit application is why you choose this program to begin with. Often times, individuals think the fastest way to enter Canada is by applying for a study permit. However, it is important to recognize why you are studying in Canada as Immigration officers will diligently assess this. Watch our video on important information to consider on Study Permits in Canada, especially when applying for a Study Permit.
October 10, 2017
How to Renew or Change your Study Permit in Canada Video
In Canada, in order for foreign nationals to legally study, they must obtain a study permit. Once a study permit has been obtained by a foreign national and they wish to either renew their study permit to continue their studies or to change their study permit to go to a different designated learning institution, they must properly apply to do so. This is essential especially if the study permit will expire. Watch our video below on what a study permit entails and how to proceed with renewing or changing your study permit to study and remain in Canada.
August 4, 2017
Study Permit Eligibility Video
Do you want to study in Canada? If so, you should apply for a study permit. It is important to note that a study permit is necessary for some foreign nationals; however, there are some foreign nationals that do not require a study permit to study in Canada. Watch our video below on who needs a study permit and who does not, how to start the process of obtaining a study permit and any further steps.
September 29, 2015
Study Permit Canada Video
Do you want to study full time in Canada? In this video we outline the key requirements to qualify for a Study Permit. The video also discusses what to watch out for when you decide on your program of study to give you the best chance of approval. For additional information on Study Permits, please check below:
September 29, 2015
Canadian Study Permit Essentials Video
If you wish to study in Canada you will need to obtain a Study Permit. There are many steps involved in obtaining a study permit in Canada. Watch our video below and learn how you can meet the eligibility criteria to be able to study in Canada.
August 25, 2017
Steps on How to Hire International Students and Interns
In Canada, both international students and interns can work for an employer while they are here on a study permit. Therefore, for employers, this creates an opportunity to hire employees on a part-time basis while they are in school and full-time when they are on break. Watch our video below on the steps you need to take to hire an international student and/or an intern.
September 29, 2015
Co op Work Permit Video
Are you on study permit in Canada and part of your program is internship? If so, you need co-op work permit. Watch our video below and find out how you can obtain a work permit while studying in Canada.
August 1, 2015
Three Essentials to Study Permits Video
Are you planning to study in Canada? If so, you need a to obtain a study permit in Canada. There are three main requirements in obtaining a study permit, watch our video to find out what they are and what steps you can take to submit a successful study permit application to immigration Canada.
July 23, 2015
Working on Campus without a Work Permit Video
Are you on a Study Permit in Canada? Do you wish to work on campus while studying? If so, watch our video on working on campus without a work permit to find out if you meet eligibility to work as a international student in Canada.
July 23, 2015
Work on a Study Permit Video
Are you on study permit in Canada and part of your program consists of finishing a co-op or internship? If so, you need a work permit. Find out how you can meet the qualification criteria to obtain a work permit as international student in Canada. If you have graduated from your area of study and wish to work you will need to apply for a post graduate work permit. Watch our video for further details.
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