Business Immigration
Canadian Business Immigration
Canada has several business immigration programs designed to attract individuals who can make a significant contribution to the economy. These programs aim to promote economic development by attracting investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed individuals with available venture capital, business acumen, and entrepreneurial skills.
In addition to stimulating economic growth, these programs aim to create new commercial opportunities in Canada and improve access to international markets by welcoming immigrants familiar with those markets and their unique requirements and customs.
Canadian Business Immigration: an overview
If you are interested in business immigration and believe it aligns with your experience and goals, there are various pathways to choose from. Depending on your intended province of residence, you may opt to apply through a specific provincial program, such as the Quebec business immigration programs, or through the federal government.
Canadian Immigration Programs for Self-Employed Persons
It’s important to note that each immigration program may have its own specific requirements, timelines, and application process. Applicants must thoroughly research and understand the criteria of the program they are interested in and ensure that they meet all the eligibility requirements before applying. Seeking professional immigration advice and assistance is also recommended to ensure a smooth and successful application process.
Eligibility Requirements for Self-employed Immigration to Canada
To qualify as a self-employed person for immigration to Canada, you must meet certain criteria. Here’s what you need to know:
Relevant Experience: You must have relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics. This includes at least two years of experience during the period starting 5 years before the day you apply and ending on the day the decision is made on your application. You can earn additional points if you have 3, 4, or 5 years of experience. The relevant experience can be one of the following:
For Cultural Activities:
For Athletics:
Meeting these eligibility requirements is crucial to be considered for self-employed immigration to Canada. It’s important to carefully review and fulfill all the criteria to increase your chances of a successful application. Seeking guidance from a qualified immigration professional can provide you with invaluable assistance throughout the process.
What are the selection criteria to qualify for the Canadian Business Program?
To qualify for the Canadian Business Program, whether as an entrepreneur or a self-employed individual, you must first meet the qualifications outlined earlier. Once you meet the initial requirements, your application will be assessed based on five selection criteria and a point system. The five selection criteria are:
The maximum score for the assessment is 100, and you must obtain a minimum of 35 points to qualify for immigration to Canada. Please note that the pass mark of 35 may change periodically, so it’s essential to confirm the current pass mark when your application is being processed.
The selection process is based on the documents you provide and an assessment of your score under each selection criterion. As part of the immigration process, you may be required to attend an interview. During the interview, a visa officer may ask you to explain any unclear or inconsistent information and any gaps or shortcomings in your submitted documents. If there are any discrepancies between your assessment of qualifications and the officer’s assessment, the officer’s assessment will take precedence.
It’s important to thoroughly prepare for your application, ensuring that you meet the selection criteria and provide accurate and complete documentation to increase your chances of qualifying for the Canadian Business Program.
Questions and Answers about Canadian Business Immigration
How can we help
Akrami & Associates

Should you have any further questions or feel confused or unclear with regard to business immigration in Canada, it is important to talk and ask any questions you may have and discuss your concerns. By talking to immigration professionals about your concerns, this will ease your worries and assist with the application process. Many immigration applications are difficult to pursue on your own, and it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to apply.
Here at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped our clients apply under Canadian Business Immigration. If you believe that you may be eligible to apply under this specific class, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advice.
With Akrami & Associates, there is always a way!
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