Intra Company Transferee Videos
Canadian Immigration: Intra-Company Transferee Videos
Intra-Company Transferee is when a company decides to send one or more of their staff members to work temporarily in different office or country. If you intend on applying as an Intra-Company Transferee as the applicant their are certain requirements you have to meet to be able to work in Canada. Watch our Intra-Company Transferee videos below to see if you meet the eligibility criteria to submit a successful application to Immigration Canada.
June 7, 2019
Intra Company Transfer Requirements
Intra Company Transfer Requirements This video will be talking about the Intra Company Transfer Requirements and how the applicants can fulfill the requirements successfully. We will discuss the main topics which immigration officers look at when they look at a Intra Company Transfer application. We will also skim [...]
August 4, 2017
Intra Company Transferee Work Permit Requirements Video
Do you want to work in Canada but are employed overseas through a multi-national company? Does the multi-national company that you work for have a location in Canada? If so, you should apply for a work permit through an Intra-Company Transfer. In this particular circumstance, you must work for a foreign multi-national company that also has a location in Canada in order to request a work permit through the transfer program. Watch our video below on who is eligible for an Intra-Company Transferee work permit and who is not, how to start the process of obtaining a work permit and further steps.
July 20, 2016
Requirements for Intra Company Transferee Work Permit
If you are working for a foreign company and want to work for its Canadian counterpart, you may qualify to apply for a Intra Company Transferee Work Permit. To be eligible to obtain this document you need to meet certain requirements. Watch our video and find out what they are.
December 12, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Work Permit Requirements for Canada Video
If you are working for a foreign company and want to work for its Canadian counterpart, you may qualify to apply for Intra Company Transferee Work Permit. To be eligible to obtain this document you need to meet three main requirements. Watch our video and find out what they are.
December 12, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Work Permit for Executives Video
Are you applying for a work permit under the NAFTA? If so, watch our video and see if you meet the definition of a executive and how you can qualify to apply under Intra Company Transferee Executive category to obtain your Intra Company Transferee Work Permit also known as L1 visa if you wanted to transfer office location to the US.
December 12, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Work Permit for Managers Video
Are you applying for a Work Permit under the NAFTA? If so, watch our video and see if you meet the definition of a manager and how you can qualify to apply under Intra Company Transferee Managerial category to obtain your Intra Company Transferee Work Permit also known as L1 Visa if you wanted to transfer office location to the US.
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transferee and L1B Visa Video
Interested in moving between companies as a worker? Have a company in the US and Canada? Learn more about the L1B visa and Intra Company Transferee work permit and how you can meet the eligibility criteria to transfer your job location as an Intra Company Transferee.
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Work Permit Video
Do you work for a company that is located both in the US and Canada and interested in moving in between companies? If so, watch our video below on how you can obtain a work permit as Intra Company Transferee to work in Canada or a L1B visa for Canadians that want to work in the US. This particular work permit is Labour Market Impact Assessment exempt and will allow you to work for the Canadian branch of your foreign parent company. Find out how you can the meet the eligibility criteria to transfer your job location!!
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Specialized Knowledge Video
Do you have specialized knowledge in your field of work and like to temporarily work in a different office location that is located outside of your home company? If so, watch our video on Intra Company Transferee Specialized Knowledge on how you can meet eligibility criteria to transfer from your home company to a outside branch. If you live in the US and like to work in Canada this transfer is known as the L1B visa.
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transferee Documents Video
Looking to transfer your job from home company to an outside branch? Learn what documents you need to acquire in order to be successful in your application as an intra company transferee!
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transfer Work Permit Startup Company Video
An intra company transferee can work in Canada when a relationship exists between their foreign parent company and a branch or subsidiary in Canada. If you have opened a business in Canada and wish to ensure it gets up and running by proven employees at your current company, this might be a viable option for you. Watch our video for more details on Intra Company Transfer Work Permit Startup Business.
September 29, 2015
Intra Company Transfer Work Permit What the Immigration Officer Looks at Video
Are you applying under Intra Company Transfer Work Permit? Watch our video and find out what type of documents the immigration officer looks for and how you can meet the requirements as an Intra Company Transferee to submit a successful application.
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