Proving Genuineness of Relationship

How to Prove Genuineness of Relationship

Have you recently received a decision on your spousal or common law application and the application was refused due to the officer not being satisfied with the genuineness of the relationship?

If this is the case then this blog is for you.

The most important factor the immigration officer looks at when making a decision on your spousal or common law application is whether your relationship fake or genuine.

Now you may ask how can I prove my relationship is genuine. This can be done by preparing a well detailed package with all the supporting documentation to ensure the genuineness of your application comes across.

Proving Genuineness for Spousal Application

Many believe that just being married or having kids is sufficient to prove the relationship is genuine when submitting a spousal application. If that is the attitude than you can expect a refusal on your case, as the officer looks for past history in relationship and how this relationship blossomed.

Genuineness Documents for Spousal Application

Some documents you can include to prove the genuineness relationship include

  • Text messages exchanged whether is through phone or an apps such FB, Whatsapp, Skype etc.
  • Gifts exchanged by showing purchase receipts
  • Places you have travelled together by showing a travel itinerary
  • Pictures of wedding, engagement or other specials gatherings with family members
  • Emails exchanged
  • Birthday cards
  • Phone records
  • Love letters
  • Assets you share together
  • Proof of divorce if either applicant or spouse were previously married
  • Marriage certificate

It is very important to prove your marriage is bona fide. A bona fide marriage means that you and your spouse intend to build a future together and did not get married only for immigration purposes to get permanent residence in Canada.

Also, to prove your relationship is genuine you have to be ready for the interview if you are called for it. As you will be asked questions as to how your relationship developed, who attended the wedding, your regular routines, who cooks, other family member information.

Non Genuine Relationship Indicators

  • Photos that do not include parents or other family member but rather just small group of friends. If your family members were not present on your special day, explanation has to be provided to avoid getting a refusal letter.
  • Private marriage ceremony performed by the minister or justice of peace
  • Informal reception which is done at a restaurant
  • Sponsor is uneducated or on welfare
  • No kissing on the photos the married couple
  • No honeymoon for couple of days
  • No “diamond” ring or anything type of ring
  • Limited wedding pictures
  • Same clothes worn in various locations
  • No touching happening in pictures
  • Most photos are taken only in one place/city
  • No travel history together
  • How fast did the sponsor divorce from spouse in which he/she got sponsored through
  • Documents are inconsistent and not lining up with story line

Proving Genuineness in Common law Sponsorship Application

  • Proof of divorce if either applicant or spouse were previously married
  • Evidence that they have been living together for at least one year by providing joint documents such as lease agreements, bank accounts, life insurance, beneficiaries, credit cards, income tax returns etc.
  • Very important to show cohabitation

Contact Akrami & Associates

It is very important that the genuineness of your relationship comes across, should it not come across you can either expect a refusal letter or a procedural fairness letter. This is received when the immigration officer has doubts about your relationship that it could be potentially a fake marriage or relationship. Usually doubts are raised when the immigration officer notices inconsistent information on the required forms or documents provided.

So if you have been recently refused due to the officer not being satisfied with the genuineness of your relationship or having received the procedural fairness letter then contact Akrami & Associates for more information.

You can reach us either by email at or by calling us at 416-477-2545 from Monday to Friday between 9 am – 5 pm eastern time.

Remember with Akrami & Associates there is always a way!!

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