Spousal Open Work Permit

Are a spouse or common law partner of someone studying or working temporarily in Canada and looking to work? A Spousal Open Work Permit may allow this. For details on the spousal open work permit, including who is eligible continue reading below:


What is an open spousal work permit?

A spousal open work permit allows your spouse or common law partner to work legally in Canada at any eligible employer.


Who is eligible?

To be eligible for a spousal open work permit, you must fall under one of these 3 categories:

  1. Spouse or common law partner of a worker: If you are the spouse or common law partner of a foreign national who is on a valid work permit in Canada, you may be eligible to apply. Your partner must hold a valid NOC skill type level 0, A or B approved to work in Canada 6 months or longer.
  2. Spouse or common law partner of an International Student: If you are the spouse or common law partner of a foreign national who is studying in Canada on a valid study permit.
  3. Applicants in an In-Land Spousal or Common law sponsorship application: If you are in Canada and being sponsored by your spouse or common law partner in an in-land spousal sponsorship application for permanent residence, you may be eligible to apply for an open work permit. You must have a valid temporary resident status to qualify. You are able to submit you open work permit application along with your sponsorship application. The CIC can take about 4 months to approve the work permit, which allows you to work until a decision is made on your PR application.


What are the requirements for an Open Work Permit?

Like all other temporary resident visa, an open work permit grants you temporary status meaning you must be meet all necessary requirements. With the exemption of an inland spousal or common law application, you must show strong ties to your country and be able to convince the officer that you will return to your home country when your permit expires.


How do I apply for a spousal open work permit?

Those who qualify don’t need a labour market impact assessment or proof of a valid job offer. To apply, you need to complete the required forms, provide all necessary supporting documents and pay the processing fees. Processing times vary depending on method of submission, whether paper or online, but generally are processed within 6 months.


Are there conditions on an open work permit?

The permit may include all conditions that apply to your spousal open work permit. Some of these conditions may include the type of work you can do, the employer you can work for, where and how long you are able to work.


How long is the permit valid for?

A spousal open work permit is a temporary status permit. It is only valid for the period of time authorized by the officer. It is possible to extend the permit before it expires. If you status expires before you apply to extend, you have 90 days to apply to restore your status before no longer being allowed to work in Canada.


Akrami and Associates

A spousal open work permit is a temporary status document which like all other temporary status permits are not easily approved by Immigration Canada. At Akrami and Associates, our team of legal professionals have helped dozens of client prepare successful applications. Call the immigration experts today to see how we can assist you. 416-477-2545 info@thevisa.ca

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