Removal order from Canada 2021

You’ve received a Removal Order from Canada. Now what? You cannot legally remain in Canada and must leave the country. Depending on the circumstances you may either have to leave immediately or you may have the chance to appeal.

Why you received a removal order?


Those who receive a removal order are due to:

  • Being convicted of a criminal offence and receive a criminal record
  • Refugee application was refused and you have received a deportation order
  • Overstayed your welcome in Canada as a visitor or worker


I’ve received a removal Order, Can I ever return to Canada?

Once you have received a removal order, your chances to return to Canada depend on the purpose of future visit and your circumstances. Most people are able to apply for Authorization to Return to Canada (ARC) unless you have a criminal record. With the addition of a criminal record, you would also need to apply for Criminal Rehabilitation or a Temporary Resident Permit (TRP)


Types of Removal Orders:

There are 3 types of removal orders issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). These are Departure Orders, Exclusion Orders and Deportation Orders.


Departure Orders:

You must leave Canada by the date listed on the order, which is usually within 30 days. You must also confirm your departure with Border Services. It is very important to get the departure stamp on your passport.  As long as you leave by the date listed, you are eligible to return to Canada at a later date.  If you do not leave within the 30 days- the departure order will become a Deportation order.


Exclusion Orders:

You must leave Canada within 30 days of the letter and are not allowed to return for one year. Once that one year is up, you may travel to/from Canada again as entitled. If you need to return before that one year has finished- you may apply for ARC.


Deportation Order:

You are no longer allowed to be in Canada. You have been permanently barred and cannot return unless you apply for an ARC.


Important Note:

If Canada Border Services ( CBSA) has to pay for your exit from Canada, You must repay this amount before being granted entry to Canada in the future.


Can I appeal a removal order?

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) is responsible for any appeals to Removal Orders. Consult the IRB website for more information.

You may also apply to the Federal Court of Canada for a judicial review of any IRB decision.


Failure to Leave

Once a Removal Order takes effect, you must leave Canada within 30 days, or immediately depending on the letter.

If you fail to appear for a removal interview or a scheduled removal date, the CBSA will issue a Canada-wide warrant for your arrest. Once arrested, the CBSA may detain you in a holding facility before removal.

In order to ensure you leave Canada, the CBSA may assign an escort officer to accompany you on your departure.


Akrami and Associates

If you have received a removal order from Canada and not sure what steps you need to take to enter Canada then contact Akrami & Associates for more information. Our dedicated professionals have assisted many clients successfully enter Canada and we can help you reach your immigration goals as well.

Contact us at 416-477-2545 or email at

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