New Hiring Option for Canadian Employers

New Global Stream Option for Hiring Foreign Workers

On June 12, 2017, a new stream called Global Talent stream came into effect. This new stream has already shown to be effective for Canadian employers in the IT/Tech sector. The Global Talent stream allows for a two-week work permit which allows for temporary foreign workers to fill the intended positions quickly. As a result, this new stream will help assist businesses with their growth. Luckily, this new work permit is not replacing any existing temporary work permits; in fact, it is introduced in addition to the other work permit options. In this article, I will address the new Global Talent stream and how this affects the process of hiring foreign workers to Canadian employers.

How this Affects Canadian Employers

With this new stream coming into effect, Canadian employers now have several options to choose from with regards to which work permit their temporary foreign worker will pursue. It essentially allows the Canadian employer to weigh their options and find which permit is best for them as well as the prospect employee. The new Global Talent stream allows Canadian employers for a fast turnaround; it is comparable to hiring an employee from within Canada. As previously mentioned, the new Global Talent stream has a two-week work permit processing standard which allows the Canadian employer to hire and fill the positions in a timely manner. As a result, it allows Canadian employers in the IT/Tech sector to become more competitive with more highly qualified foreign nationals becoming employed in a short time frame.

In the future, this can benefit businesses extremely as hiring internationally is usually a lengthy process. Fortunately for these specific foreign workers, Canada’s IT/Tech sector is growing exponentially with no signs of decreasing. With this growth, there will evidently be more opportunities in Canada’s large metropolitan cities, for instance, Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. Not only are the metropolitan cities affected, but smaller urban cities can be affected too, such as Waterloo, Halifax and more.

Other Options Available to Canadian Employers

Canadian employers also have the option of hiring foreign national workers to the country through the intra-company transferee program or, respectively, through an international trade agreement, such as NAFTA. Additionally, some Canadian employers may require and apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). However, an LMIA is not mandatory for all Canadian employers prior to hiring a foreign national. Therefore, it is important to research beforehand to determine whether the Canadian employer requires an LMIA.

In order to obtain a positive LMIA, the Canadian employer must meet the minimum advertising requirements. These requirements indicate how long the posting must be posted for and where it needs to be posted. Nonetheless, this process can take a long time and can cut into the Canadian employer’s time and budget.

Alternatively, the Canadian government acknowledges that a universal approach would not work, especially in a progressive country like Canada that has a diverse economy. Thus, there is now a diverse range of options for Canadian employers and foreign national workers who are seeking to work within Canada. With these new options, there may be some employers and/or foreign workers who may need guidance with regards to the international hiring process.

Therefore, since the Global Talent Stream is a new way of hiring foreign national workers, the government will help and provide a ‘hands-on’ approach to this specific stream. The ‘hands-on’ approach can involve more interactions between the employer and the Canadian government. Some Canadian employers may appreciate this interaction, whereas others may prefer less interaction with the Canadian government.

Criteria for the New Global Talent Stream

Canadian employers may hire foreign national workers under the Global Talent Stream so long as they hire in certain categories of the National Occupation Classification (NOC) list of occupations for the Global Talent Stream. The list of occupations can be altered based on the Canadian labour market needs. Below is a list of NOC codes and occupations that fall under the Global Talent Stream.

NOC CodeOccupation
0213Computer & Information Systems Managers
2147Computer Engineers (Exception: Software Engineers & Designers)
2171Information Systems Analysts & Consultants
2172Database Analysts & Data Administrators
2173Software Engineers & Designers
2174Computer Programmers & Interactive Media Developers
2175Web Designers & Developers
2241Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technologists & Technicians
2283Information Systems Testing Technicians
5241Digital Media & Design


It is important to note that a separate category has been created for high-growth Canadian employers who exhibit a need to hire specialized talent. Therefore, Canadian employers who fall under this specific category are required to be referred to the Global Talent Stream by a designated referral partner.

Canadian employers in both categories are still required to meet the eligibility requirements with regards to the payment of foreign national workers. For instance, foreign national workers who are hired under the Global Talent stream are to be paid at the prevailing wage or higher. The prevailing wage is the highest amount of either the median wage for the intended job; the wage within the range a Canadian employer currently pays employees in the same position; or the minimum wage floor as described in the Global Talent occupations list.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you are a Canadian employer and would like to apply under the new Global Talent Stream or want to apply for an LMIA to hire a temporary foreign worker, we can help you with this process. Applying under a new stream or applying for an LMIA can be confusing if you are unfamiliar with how Immigration applications work. Moreover, any Immigration application can become overwhelming if done alone; therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek out professional and experienced help before attempting to apply. Additionally, it is extremely important that you take into consideration the aforementioned information prior to submitting your application. Here, at Akrami & Associates, we work and have experience with many different immigration issues. We have helped many of our clients acquire temporary foreign workers for their business. If you believe that you might be eligible, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advise.

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