What to Expect During a Consultation
Akrami & Associates has a number of ways to help you achieve your goals. One such way is through a consultation. You may contact us directly by phone and email or alternatively, you may complete an online assessment and schedule yourself for a consultation.
Once you set up a consultation with us, we will be ready, willing and eager to assess your needs. You will call in at the scheduled time and speak with one of our representatives; you may also have an in-person consultation if you so choose.
During a consultation, we will have the opportunity to go over the pertinent details of your case this is your opportunity to disclose any information that you think is useful and give us an overall sense of the situation you are experiencing. Of course, not everyone knows what is pertinent or not. Therefore, we may also ask you some questions to help shed some light on your situation and get answers to the questions that we need to assist you better.
It is usually clear after the first 15 to 20 minutes of the consultation what your situation is and what your immediate goals are. Based on this information, we will go over what programs or categories might be useful to you and what your options are. We will discuss the merits of each option as well as the pros and cons to help you better determine what strategy best suits your needs.
We will also take the time to answer any questions you may have and make sure you are properly informed and confident with the decision you are making.
We will never rush you nor refuse you.
If your unique situation prevents immediate action for whatever reason, we will also go over the steps you can take to ensure that you qualify for future applications. Our goal is to assist anyone who seeks our help and create solutions for them.
A consultation is a summary of your situation and is a means to get the process going. Once you have retained us and we have an opportunity to review your
documents, we may see that other options are available or other requirements need to be met. We will make sure that you are in the loop with how your case
proceeds, and we will never take a step on your matter without properly informing you and receiving your instructions first.
Our goal is to make sure that you not only feel confident with the services you are receiving but understand the steps we are taking to achieve your goals.
Contact Us
For further information with respect to your Canadian immigration, we invite you to contact our experienced immigration representatives.
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Immigration inquiries

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Toll Free: 1-877-820-7121
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Immigration inquiries