Applying for Permanent Resident through Federal Skilled Trades Program

Is the Federal Skilled Trade (FSTP) program for you?

If you are in a skilled trade and looking to become a permanent resident in Canada you could apply in Federal Skilled Trade (FSTP) upon being qualified. The government introduced the Express Entry system starting from January 2015 for candidates interested to apply under this program.

What is Express Entry?

For the management of applications under the federal economic immigration programs such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program, The Federal Skilled Trades Program and the Canadian Experience Class, Express Entry is used.

An Express Entry profile for a candidate is filled out in order to check if the individual gets a high ranking and hence is eligible to be invited for applying for permanent residency. Information like education, skills, language ability and other details help in the assessment.

How can you get selected for Federal Skilled Trade Program?

You must have a minimum of two years of full-time experience in the skilled trade one intends to apply in, an offer of full-time employment not less than a year or must be qualified with a certificate in that skilled trade issued by a provincial or territorial body. The CIC sets out a National Occupational Classification (NOC) list, which has the job requirements, set out for each trade. Everyone looking to apply for FSTP needs to meet all the requirements.

What is National Occupational Classification (NOC) list?

National Occupational Classification provides the occupational information for the job requirements you need to meet under the category you are applying. To be eligible to apply under the Federal Skilled Trades Program you need to fall either under the major or minor groups of the NOC listed below:

Skilled Trades you can apply under FSTP (check CIC for latest list)

  • Major Group 72, industrial, electrical and construction trades
  • Major Group 73, maintenance and equipment operations trade
  • Major Group 82, supervisors and technical jobs in natural resources, agriculture and related production
  • Major Group 92, processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors and central control operators,
  • Minor Group 632, chefs and cooks, and
  • Minor Group 633, butchers and bakers

The NOC mentioned above are subdivided into different occupations, All of these NOC mentioned above are skill type B. Remember when applying your job description must match the NOC. You must show that you meet the duties set in the NOC. If you do not show that your experience meets the NOC description then the application will refused.

Inclusion of a Labour Market Impact assessment from Employment and Social Development Canada will be accepted by CIC as long as the applicant is eligible for the program.

Does Quebec follow the same Federal Skill Trade Program?

Most of the requirements for this category are the same however Quebec has its own skilled workers program. French language is required in order to be eligible to apply for Quebec’s Federal Skill Trade Program.

Earn your Points from your Education for Federal Skilled Trades Program

Though no specific requirements are asked for education you could earn your points by:

  • A Canadian post –secondary certificate, diploma or degree or
  • A complete foreign credential and
  • An Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report from an agency approved by CIC

The foreign education must be equivalent to a completed Canadian Secondary or post secondary certificate, diploma or degree. If the ECA report is negative stating the non-equivalency of your educational qualifications then you will not be able to benefit from that.

Do I have to meet Language Requirements for Federal Skilled Trades Program?

One must meet the minimum third party language requirement threshold for FSTP. We recommend you to take a Citizenship and Immigration Canada approved language test, which reflects you, meet the level for reading, writing, listening and speaking. Your language test results must not be older than two years.

Are you an employer looking for skilled workers in your trade?

There may not be many skilled workers in Canada to meet your specific labor requirements. Through the FSTP you can hire a foreign worker who meets your labor needs. As an employer you will be able to access Canada’s Job Bank, private sector job boards and Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) where applicable.

Rank based Criteria and Invitation to apply for Federal Skilled Trades Program

The Express Entry Pool is a rank based system and candidates are assessed against other applicants to become eligible. The ranking system helps determine a newcomer’s economic success post starting up in Canada. Under Federal Skill Trades Program candidates have 60 days to apply for permanent residence. The invitation only goes out to those who have job offers for more than one year or territorial/provincial invitations.

Who is most eligible for Federal Skilled Trades Program?

You (married or common-law) who meets the required conditions can apply as the principal applicant for FSTP. This increases the chances of your application getting through! A common-law partner is a person who has lived with you in a conjugal relationship for at least one year. It could be a partner from same sex or in opposite sex.

What is the processing time taken for Permanent Resident Applications under Federal Skilled Trades Program?

In 80% of the cases CIC takes six months or less to process completed applications under the Express Entry. Every quarter CIC updates the processing time and shows the status of your completed application.

Choose your province or territory

Choose the province or territory you want to settle in Canada and apply to the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). They will nominate you if you have the required skills, education and work experience, funds to support yourself and your family when in Canada. It’s important that you meet the labor market requirements for that province or territory. Once chosen by them you then become eligible to apply for permanent residence through the Nomination under Express Entry PNP stream or Nomination under a non-Express Entry PNP stream.

What could stop you from coming to Canada under Federal Skilled Trades Program?

There are many reasons CIC may not let your enter or reside in Canada such as:

  • You are a security risk
  • You have committed human or international rights violations
  • You have been convicted of a crime, or you have committed an act outside Canada that would be a crime
  • You have a serious health problem
  • You lied in your application or interview
  • You do not meet the conditions in Canada’s immigration law
  • One of your family members is not allowed into Canada

You may be eligible for more than one program!

You may be eligible for more than one program depending on the information in your profile. You may be invited to apply for one program based in the order below:

  • Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  • Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)

Contact Akrami and Associates

Prior to becoming our client the most common thing we hear from people is “our application returned because it was incomplete”. At Akrami and Associates we use our experience to prepare on your behalf and put the best foot forward. We help you in your arrival into Canada. To have a higher chance of success it is recommended to consult with an immigration expert prior to starting any immigration application. Akrami & Associates has submitted many successful applications under the Express Entry Route and we assist you too. Call us today at 416-477-2545 and book your consultation!

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