New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support

New Brunswick Skilled Worker

When meeting the requirements as the applicant for New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support program, your supporter will have to also be assessed to ensure that they can qualify to support you. Each potential supporter should use the below as a checklist to ensure that they are able to New Brunswick Skilled Worker with Family Support you in this endeavour.

As the Supporter of the Skilled Worker Applicant:

  • You are a close relative of the Family Supporter. You, or your spouse or common-law partner may support a non-dependent child, brother, sister, niece, nephew or grandchild.
  • You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada, residing full-time in New Brunswick
  • You have been operating a business in New Brunswick for at least 12 consecutive months as of the date the Applicant’s immigration application was received at the NBPNP Office and was assigned an NBPNP application number.
  • Have been working in New Brunswick for at least 12 consecutive months as of the date the Applicant’s immigration application was received at the NBPNP Office and was assigned an NBPNP application number.
  • Your job is represented in one of the following National Occupation Classification (NOC) skill levels:
    • Skill levels O, A, B
    • Skill level C, Category 1, 3, 7, 8, 9
  • You are financially self-supporting. You must not have received financial support through the New Brunswick Social Assistance Program, federal Employment Insurance, or Resettlement Assistance Program within the last 12 months.
  • You must not have declared bankruptcy.
  • You will participate in an interview with an official from the Population Growth Division. Only the Family
  • Supporter will be permitted in the interview. Immigration representatives and interpreters are not permitted.
  • You will assist the Applicant with a Settlement Plan.
  • You will support only one applicant at a time. The Applicant you are supporting must be economically established in New Brunswick before another eligible family member can submit an application to the NBPNP.

As the Supporter of the Skilled Worker Applicant, you must not have:

  • Sponsored a family member, in the past, through the Citizenship and Immigration Canada Family
  • Sponsorship Program and failed to comply with the Sponsorship Agreement
  • Supported an Applicant, in the past, through the NBPNP where the family member is not living and working in New Brunswick
  • Defaulted on a Court Order for alimony or child support
  • Been charged or convicted of a violent crime and/or are in prison

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