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Start-up Visa Letter of Support

Letter of Support
SectionWhat to look for:
General· submitted by the applicant with the application
· contains specific information related to the applicant
· contains bio-data information of any persons related to the business
· no more than five total persons may be included in any one business
· identifies any essential applicants
Commitment Certificate
General· sent directly from the investing entity to CIC
· term sheet should also be included with the electronic version
ClientName of the applicant
Information· The officer may want to verify with the entity if the name indicated
is significantly different from the one indicated on the passport or
the IMM 0008.
· The name on the Commitment Certificate should be indicated as a
name. Flag in GCMS if it differs from the other names on file.
RelatedEssential Applicants
· Any essential applicants must be indicated on both the Letter of
Support and the Commitment Certificate. In all cases, these should
be consistent.
· If the application for an essential person is refused for any reason all
other applications related to that commitment must also be refused.
COPR documents may only be issued once all essential persons
identified in the Commitment Certificate have been approved for
Permanent residence.
· Example 1: Naya is a person identified as essential to the
identified on the Commitment Certificate, but they are not

identified as essential. The other two persons are ready for

issuance of COPR documents. Naya has been found to be

inadmissible to Canada. Naya’s application must be refused. The

two other persons identified on the commitment must also be

refused because they are related to Naya’s application.

· Example 2: Naya is a person identified as essential to the

business by the investing entity. There are two other persons

identified on the commitment, but they are not identified as

essential. Naya and one other person are ready for issuance of

COPR documents. The third person on the commitment is found

to be inadmissible. The person found to be inadmissible must be

refused. Naya and the other approved person may be issued

COPRs because Naya, as the only essential person on the

commitment, is not inadmissible.



Describe the nature of the business operations to be conducted by the


· Officers should expect to see a short description of the type of

business which will be operated by the applicant. For example

“software engineering, promotion and distribution”.

Describe the amount of the investment; and how much is being invested. Who is investing? In the case of syndication, who is the lead

· Officers should expect to see such details in the Commitment Certificate but should not expect to see proof of the investment in the
form of bank transfers, etc., as the terms in the commitment are considered to be satisfactory evidence for the purposes of this pilot.

· If any designated venture capital funds are named on the commitment, one of them must be the lead investor and the minimum amount of
combined, total funds submitted by all designated entities must be at least $200,000.

· If there are only angel investor groups on the commitment, they will choose one to act as the lead entity and the minimum total
combined funds from all designated entities must be at least $75,000.

· It is possible for both venture capital funds and angel investor groups to support a single commitment but in that case, section
2(3)(a) of the MIs require that only a designated venture capital fund can serve as the lead entity, and the minimum total
combined funds from all entities must be at least $200,000.

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