Basic info on Federal Skilled Worker Program
The much speculated Federal Skilled Worker program, which was previously placed on hold, is up and running again. This program, which previously experienced a backlog of approximately 280 000 applications, has been revamped to now take on new applications as per the revised criteria.
The Federal Skilled Worker program is geared towards acquiring skilled workers in Canada as permanent residents. Skilled workers are chosen based on their ability to settle in Canada and be productive members of the economy.
Skilled workers seeking to apply for this program will essentially be assessed based on their:
- English and/or French skills;
- Educational background;
- Work Experience and;
- Other factors that may demonstrate their ability to adapt to life in Canada
Do I qualify for the Federal Skilled Worker (FSW) Program?
In order to qualify for the FSW program, there are basic criteria to meet. You must:
- Have at least one year of continuous and paid work experience in a single occupation within the last ten years and be considered to be employed in a skill type A, B or 0 as per the National Occupational Classification or NOC
- Meet the minimum language requirements
- Have a Canadian diploma, certificate or credential and/or a foreign educational credential accompanied by a credential assessment by an approved agency.
How do I apply for the Federal Skilled Worker Program?
If you meet the basic criteria, compiling the proper applications and documentation will be the next step toward gaining your permanent residence in Canada under this program. You will need to demonstrate that you also meet the six selection factors.
What are the factors that my Federal Skilled program will be assessed on?
Once you meet the basic criteria, you will also be assessed on six selection factors:
- Your skill in English and/or French
- Your education
- Your work experience
- Your age
- Any arranged employment in Canada
- Your ability to adapt to life in Canada
You must also show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family, should they be accompanying you. Depending on the number of family members accompanying you, there are minim funds required. For example, if you have 3 family members accompanying you, you will need to prove that you have at least $17 011.00 available to set yourself and your family up in Canada.
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