Who Qualifies for Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations
Applying for Humanitarian and Compassionate considerations is usually the last resort for applicants who wish to remain in Canada – when few other options are available to them.
An application with Humanitarian and Compassionate circumstances is essentially asking Citizenship and Immigration Canada to make exceptions to guidelines in light of extenuating and extreme circumstances. As an applicant, you may use this application to apply for permanent residence from within Canada on Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds (H&C) if you:
- are a foreign national currently living in Canada
- need an exemption from one or more requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) or Regulations in order to apply for permanent residence within Canada
- believe you would experience unusual and undeserved or disproportionate hardship if you are not granted the exemption you need
- are not eligible to apply for permanent residence from within Canada in any of these classes: Spouse or Common-Law Partner, Live-in Caregiver, Protected Person and Convention Refugees, or Temporary Resident Permit Holder.
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For further information with respect to your Canadian immigration, we invite you to contact our experienced immigration representatives.
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Immigration inquiries

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