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    November 15, 2017

    Changes to Canadian Citizenship Video

    There are several changes that have occurred recently with regards to the application process for Canadian citizenship. The new regulations came into effect in June of this year. Watch our video below on the five major changes that have been implemented with regards to applications for Canadian citizenship.

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    October 27, 2017

    Top 3 Ways to Obtain Canadian Citizenship Video

    When a foreign national obtains permanent residency in Canada, this is the first step towards eventually obtaining Canadian citizenship. It is the desire and dream of many permanent residents in Canada to one day finally be able to call themselves citizens of this wonderful country. Watch our video below to find out how to obtain Canadian citizenship and the top 3 ways to obtain Canadian citizenship.

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    August 4, 2017

    Do You Desire to Become a Canadian Citizen Video

    Has it been a dream of yours to finally become a Canadian citizen after many years of being a permanent resident? This can be possible with the Canadian citizenship application. To become a Canadian citizen is not an easy process but if you watch our video below, I will explain the requirements and restrictions for citizenship, and the steps needed to apply.

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    July 14, 2017

    Changes to Canadian Citizenship Video

    Has it always been your desire to finally become a Canadian citizen after so many years of being a permanent resident? This can finally be possible with the Canadian citizenship application and the new changes that have been introduced as of this year. Watch this video to see what the specific changes are and how this will affect Canadian citizenship applications going forward.

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    December 10, 2015

    Canadian Citizenship Video

    Are wondering if you qualify for Canadian citizenship? Not sure if you meet the qualification criteria or how you can meet it? If so, watch our video on you can meet the eligibility criteria to obtain your Canadian citizenship.

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    December 10, 2015

    Canadian Immigration Citizenship Test and Questions Video

    Are you applying for Canadian Citizenship test and nervous about the process? Watch our video and find out what type of questions you can expect when taking the Canadian  Citizenship Test.

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    December 10, 2015

    Canadian Immigration Citizenship Test Day Video

    Are you taking your Canadian citizenship test? Not sure what documents to bring with you? Not sure if you are prepared for the test? If so, watch our Canadian immigration citizenship test day video to find out what you need to bring and how you can come prepared to complete the Canadian citizenship test successfully.

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    December 10, 2015

    Canadian Immigration What happens after Citizenship Test Video

    Have you completed your Canadian Citizenship Test and wondering what the next steps are? Or have you failed your Canadian Citizenship Test and not sure if you can redo the test? Watch our video and find out what you have to do next.

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    December 10, 2015

    Applying for Canadian Citizenship with Criminal Record Video

    Are you applying for Canadian citizenship with a criminal record or applied for Canadian citizenship and faced an incident and got charged or convicted with a criminal record? Unsure, what to do next? If so, watch our video on what options are available to you when applying for citizenship with a criminal record.

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    December 7, 2015

    Canadian Citizenship Change in Citizenship Act Video

    On December 23, 2014 the Canadian government has announced more reforms in Canadian Citizenship act to accept more application for citizenship in Canada. Watch our video to learn how you can qualify for Canadian citizenship and what you will need to do next!

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    September 28, 2015

    Canadian Citizenship Requirements Video

    Do you have Permanent Resident status in Canada and want to apply for Canadian citizenship? Watch our Canadian citizenship requirement video below to find out if you meet the qualification criteria to obtain your Canadian citizenship.

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    September 28, 2015

    Canadian Citizenship Application Video

    Are you applying for Canadian citizenship watch our video on what documents you need to include when submitting a Canadian citizenship application and what documents you need to bring when taking your citizenship test.