May 29, 2015
How to Qualify Under Canadian Experience Class?
To qualify under the Canadian experience class you need meet the following requirements: you have to plan to live outside of the province of Quebec usually you require at least 12 months of full time Canadian skilled work experience (NOC skill type 0- managerial, NOC skill type A- [...]
May 29, 2015
Requirements of sponsorship
If you want to sponsor to your any family member, you have to sign a contract that is called the “undertaking.” By signing this undertaking you promise or guarantee that you will provide financial support or basic needs to your spouse, common-law partner, or any other relative or [...]
May 28, 2015
Police Certificates
Any person who has applied for Canada Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visas and is 18 years of age or older has to make a submission of a Police Certificates from every country they have resided in for 6 months or more since they have turned 18 a part of [...]
May 28, 2015
Among all difficulties you have met, being separated from your loved ones is always difficult to endure. Citizenship and Immigration Canada understands this and, through the family sponsorship program, can facilitate your family’s unification in Canada. Family Sponsorship allows you to sponsor your parents, grandparents, spouse, partner, dependent [...]
May 28, 2015
Key Changes to Canadian Citizenship – June 2015 [Chart]
The Canadian government has proposed a number of changes to the rules and procedures for obtaining citizenship, effective June 2015. Any permanent residents who meet the current criteria and decide to apply before the changes come into effect will not have their applications affected by these changes. Current [...]
May 27, 2015
Labour Market Impact Assessment
You as a lower-skilled worker can be hired by employer for up to a maximum of 24 months where there is a demonstrable shortage of Canadian citizens and permanent residents. An employer needs to get Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) once that is approved that can then give [...]
May 27, 2015
Federal Skilled Workers
Must you work experience be accumulated continuously on a full-time basis? It is required that you have at least a minimum of one year full-time continuous work experience within a profession that is at a skill level that is recognized by Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Your work experience [...]
May 27, 2015
Express Entry: Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) Requirements
What is the purpose of an ECA? The ECA is used in order to verify that the credentials you hold are valid and equal to those in Canada. Is an ECA required by all applicants? An Educational Credential Assessment is required if you are planning on entering into [...]
May 22, 2015
Temporary Resident Visas
What is a Temporary Resident Visa? A Temporary Resident Visa is a temporary status document that can allow you to enter Canada as a visitor. The purposes can be such as: Tourism A visit with your family and/or friends A business trip What will it look like if [...]
May 22, 2015
Quebec vs. the Express Entry System
If you live and work in Quebec can you apply through the Express Entry System? Quebec does not use the Express Entry system. Instead, they prefer to choose their own skilled workers. So, applications that come from Quebec will not be prioritized through the Express Entry System. Of [...]
May 22, 2015
Can I Apply For Refugee Protection From Outside Canada?
If you are resettling from outside of Canada you will fall into two classes, which are: Convention refugee , Asylum class If you are applying for refugee status outside of Canada, after the submission of your application, the visa officers will send you a confirmation letter which will [...]
May 21, 2015
How To Apply For An Open Work Permit
What is an Open Work Permit? An Open Work Permit is a Work Permit that does not require any job offer or LMIA. An inland spousal sponsorship application can take an emotional toll on people, especially not being able to see close family and friends for up to [...]