Common Law Sponsorship Application Video

Common Law Sponsorship Application

When submitting a Common-Law Sponsorship application or Spousal application the documents are very similar. The important part with a Common-Law Sponsorship application is that you would have to demonstrate 12 consecutive months of residing together in a conjugal relationship. This is very important to prove you have been living together when it comes to submitting a Common-Law Sponsorship application. Common-Law Sponsorships are just as valid as spousal ones, but often require more documentation to prove that the relationship is genuine. The best way to prove an ongoing common-law relationship is to provide joint documentation (that is, documentation containing both the sponsor’s and the applicant’s names). These documents could be: joint bank accounts, joint residential leases, joint utility bills, joint ownership documents, joint insurance policies, etc.

So simply residing together is not enough this does not mean your relationship is not serious but simply you relationship does not qualify under the Common-Law definition as your relationship is just seen as boyfriend and girlfriend when it comes to immigration. So basically you have to demonstrate your relationship is just as serious as spousal sponsorships without having to obtain the marriage certificate because you either don’t belief in marriage certificate or are just not at that stage.

When it comes to demonstrating the genuineness in the relationship you have to provide ample documents just as spousal applications. So simple having few pictures and few phone logs is not sufficient. Some documents you may want to include to prove your relationship include:

  • Lease agreements with both names on it- it shows that you cohabitated
  • Mortgages
  • Photos
  • Joint bank accounts
  • Insurance policies
  • Phone logs
  • Skype chats
  • Gifts
  • Letter exchanged
  • Shared bills
  • common law declaration and that has to be signed and notarised

If you need assistance or have questions about Common-Law Sponsorship don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us. We are more than happy to assist and making the immigration process as easy as possible.

With Akrami & Associate there is always a way!!

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We hope you enjoy the video!

For more information on Common Law Sponsorship and many other immigration matters, check out our site:

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416-477-2545 | 1-877-820-7121

416 477 2570 | 1 877 622 8182


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