Express Entry: Jobs Banks and their role in Express Entry

What is a Job Bank?

A job bank is an online search engine that contains open job positions across Canada. It is used to help aid you match with Canadian employers and jobs. These matches will be made in terms of; skills, knowledge and experience.

The job bank was created to work like a bridge between the Canadian employers and you as a Skilled Foreign National.

Employers will usually leave a job posted for a period of 30 days. While the job is posted the employers also still have to keep up with meeting the advertising requirements.

When is it necessary for you to register with the Job Bank?

You will need to ensure that you register with the job bank if you do not have a job offer from a Canadian company. The other circumstance in which you will need to register with the job bank is if you do not receive a nomination from a Canadian Province or Territory.

Where does the Labour Market Impact Assessment come into play?

If you are working in Canada and currently already on a LMIA based work permit then there would be no need for you to have to reapply for a new one. You are only going to have to reapply for it if it is no longer valid, and they should always remain valid.

What happens next?

If you have applied to a position, the potential employer may still be required to go through the normal assessment and/or interview process.

If the potential employer then decides that you meet their needs and they are eligible to hire you as a Foreign National then they can go ahead and offer you the position in question.

What do you do with the LMIA?

The employers whom have a positive LMIA will then be required to provide that information to you along with a job offer letter. This information will then be taken and included onto your Express Entry profile.

By following all of these steps it ensures to lead to a quicker offer of an Invitation to Apply for Permanent Residence in the next applicable draw.

Within Express Entry through the Job Bank you have to ability to explore jobs, but later in 2015 you will be able to sign up with Job Match which will allow you to view the jobs that particularly match your skill(s).

If there is any part of this that is discouraging to you please feel free to contact us and let us take some of the pressure off of you. There are some new changes that are taking place so let us be the first ones to explain it to you. Our staff have the experience and knowledge behind them to ensure this process is smooth sailing for you.

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