How Do I Obtain A Study Permit For Canada?

You will need a Study Permit in order to legally attend an educational institution in Canada. In order to obtain a study permit, you require:

  • Proof of Acceptance
  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Financial Support
  • Letter of Explanation

Proof of Acceptance

If you want to come to Canada as a student, you need an acceptance letter from that college, school, or university where you are planning to study. You need to submit that original letter with your study permit application.

Proof of Identity

For proof of identity you need to have a valid passport for yourself and anyone accompanying you. You will need this to enter and exit Canada.

Proof of Financial Support

  • You need to provide a Canadian bank account in your name if money has been transferred
  • Proof of a student/education loan from financial institution
  • Your bank statement for last your months
  • Proof of payment of tuition and accommodation fees
  • Letter from your person or institution providing you with money
  • Proof of funding paid from Canada if you have received scholarship or Canadian-funded educational program

Letter of Explanation

In the letter of explanation, you need to explain why you are applying for study permit in Canada and what you hope to accomplish. Essentially, you need to convince an officer why you wish to study in Canada of all places.

There are also a few additional benefits from obtaining study permit and those are you can work part-time on the campus and you can renew you study permit as well once it has expired.

However, there are few exceptions when you do not need a study permit and those are following:

  • You do not need a study permit when your program course is six months long or less
  • If you are family member are staff member of a Foreign Representative to Canada accredited by department of foreign affairs
  • If you are a member of foreign armed force under the Visiting Forces Act, you do not need study permit.
  • If you are citizen of another country who has registered Indian Status in Canada then you do not need study permit.

If you are applying for study permit from Quebec, then you need extra document and that is certificate of acceptance. You can apply online to obtain certificate of acceptance. Once you have received certificate of acceptance you can apply for study permit at Citizenship and Immigration of Canada (CIC).

If you wish to study in Canada and want to know how to make sure your application is approved, contact us. We can help you compile an application with the highest chance for success!

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