How Long Does It Take To Get A Temporary Resident Permit?
Applying for the Temporary Resident Permit at the Canadian visa office may take up to six (6) months to process. The processing time depends on the visa office you are applying to. There are certain locations that are busier than the others.
The time may also depend on the type of admissibility you may have. For instance, convictions on your criminal record may be more complicated or serious and the decision on those Temporary Resident Permit applications may take more time. Depending on the case you may be called for an interview, although they are rare.
Your Temporary Resident Permit application may also be delayed if you did not provide the right documents to the officer, or did not complete the application correctly. If you are criminally inadmissible, you have to submit the details about your offence, type of conviction, where it happened, police clearances etc. Make sure you paid the correct fees, as incorrect fees may cause further delay in your application.
The officer must be satisfied of the following:
- You have financial means to support yourself
- You have ties to your home country
- You will be returning home (attaching a copy of the return ticket may be a good idea)
- You are not likely to commit a crime, if you were inadmissible due to criminality.
If you have any questions about how to get a TRP or about the documentation requirements, you can contact us, and our team of experience professionals will be happy to help you.
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