How to Apply for Temporary Resident Permit Canada

If you are inadmissible to Canada on grounds such as,

  • Criminality
  • Health
  • Non-compliance

then you may wish to apply for a Temporary Resident Permit. A Temporary Resident Permit will allow you to overcome your inadmissibility in order for you to enter Canada for justified reasons.

There are two ways you can apply for a Temporary Resident Permit,

  1. Making an application to a Canadian Consulate near you
    • This is the suggested and usual way to apply. You would wait for an approval and then prepare to go to Canada
  2. At a Canadian Port of Entry
    • This way is usually if you do not have time to apply at a Canadian Consulate and to wait for their approval. Typically used during emergencies

If you apply at a Canadian Consulate or at a Port of Entry, you must hand in an application and applicable supporting documentation. Depending upon where you live, the regular way to apply is to complete a Temporary Resident Visa form with the reason why you were denied (so which inadmissible ground was your rejection based upon) and what immediate reasons you have for wanting to access Canada.

Such reasons can be,

  • For business purposes
  • For family emergencies

o Attendance at a funeral

As with most granted temporary status, you must be able to meet certain criterion. Your responsibility as an applicant is to show that, although you are inadmissible, you are a low-risk tourist, and that the reasons you need to come to Canada are legitimate and important. You must also show that you will leave at the end of your authorized visit and pay a non-refundable processing fee of $200.

At Akrami & Associates we have successfully helped several applicants come to Canada on a Temporary Resident Permit. We understand that this process can be overwhelming, but with the assistance of our legal professionals, it does not need to be. For further information, call us today and find out how we can help.

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