Medical Examination

Are you required to get a medical examination done?

If you are applying to immigrate to Canada you will be required to complete a medical examination.

What is the purpose of the medical examination?

The medical examinations purpose is to disclose any condition that you may have in which will affect the health of Canadians, or may end up causing you to heavily depend on Canadian health or social services.

What is involved in a medical examination?

Most of the medical examinations are fairly standard and include:

  • Standard physical examination
  • Blood Tests
  • Urine Tests
  • X-rays
  • And any further testing in which the doctor may feel that you need.

Are you going to be rejected on the basis of having a disease or disorder?

Every person is looked at and analyzed separately and during this process, your full medical history is taken into effect.

If you do possess a disease or a disorder that will pose health risk to Canadians or one that will lead to large demands on the Canadian Health Care System then you may end up being classed as medically inadmissible.

Again, each person is different and all factors are taken into consideration.

Will you have any chance of an exception if you are deemed a medically inadmissible dependent?

Actually, yes! Within the Family Sponsorship Program you will have a chance for the “excessive demand on health or social services in Canada” factors to be waived. You will be eligible for this being waived if you are:

  • A spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, or;
  • A dependent child

In these circumstances they will be waived as it will be the responsibility of your spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, or person on whom you depend on to prove that they are financially able to support you.

Are you required to undergo a medical examination if you are pregnant?

In order to not jeopardize the health and safety of the baby, you may still be required to complete a medical examination but an x-ray will not be completed until after the baby is born.

After the birth of the child, both you and the baby will be permitted for a full medical examination.

Can your family doctor perform the medical examination?

No, in order for the medical examination to be valid it must be completed from a doctor that is on the list of Panel Physicians.

How will Canadian Immigration receive the results?

Once you have completed the exam the doctor in which performs it will then send the results straight to Canadian Immigration.

Who will make the final decision about your medical exam?

At the end of the whole process, Canadian Immigration will make the final decision, and if there is an issue with your exam you will be contacted in writing about it.

What should you bring to your appointment?

You will be expected and required to bring the following items to your medical examination:

  • Proper identification – which will include at least 1 document that has your picture and signature on it. Examples: passport, drivers licence or a national identity card
  • If you wear contacts or glasses you will be required to make sure you bring them
  • If you have any other previous medical reports, or even test results in terms of any medical conditions you will be expected to ensure that those are brought so the doctor can look over them, and;
  • The Medical Report form- if you are not undergoing an up-front medical exam then the Visa Office will send you this form

Is there any other items that you may be required to bring with you?

It is possible that you will be asked to bring with you 4 recent pictures of yourself. These will only be required of you to bring if the doctor that is performing the medical examination is not connected by the eMedical electronic system to Canadian Immigration. You will have to check with the doctor’s office at the time you make your appointment.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you are unsure about documents that you should bring, or information that you should disclose please contact us today and let us help you sort everything out. The medical examination process may be tricky but with our help we can make sure it is smooth sailing for you. We have helped several people with immigrating to Canada and would love to also help you!

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