June 27, 2023
Family Class Sponsorship Co-Signing a Sponsorship
Family Class Sponsorship Co-Signing a Sponsorship Co-signers Co-Signing a Sponsorship The spouse or common-law partner of the sponsor may co-sign an undertaking to help meet income requirements by pooling resources; however, common-law relationships must have met common-law [...]
June 27, 2023
Genuineness of a Relationship
Genuineness of a Relationship Spousal Sponsorship Genuineness In assessing the eligibility for permanent residence of a spouse or common-law partner, officers must ensure that relationships between the sponsor and spouse or common-law partner and their relationships with dependent children [...]
June 26, 2023
Responsibilities for Sponsor and Applicant
Responsibilities for Sponsor and Applicant For all sponsorship applications, sponsors must: Ensure that they meet sponsorship criteria and eligibility requirements and are sponsoring a relative that is a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, [...]
June 26, 2023
Spousal Sponsorship in Canada Original
Spousal Sponsorship in Canada A Comprehensive Guide To Spousal Sponsorship in Canada Understanding Spousal Sponsorship in Canada: Canada has a reputation for being one of the most welcoming and diverse countries in the world, and as a [...]
June 26, 2023
Sponsorship Application FAQ’s
Sponsorship Applications Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's This depends on a number of varying factors, and the answer is simply not a yes or no. If your sponsored Common Law Partner wants to work in Canada, they must apply [...]
June 26, 2023
What is Family Class Sponsorship
What is Family Class Sponsorship Family class sponsorship Family class sponsorship is geared towards the reunification of family members currently residing outside of Canada. This is different from an application to sponsor a spouse or Common Law Partner who currently [...]
June 26, 2023
10 Things to Know About Being a Sponsor
10 Things to Know About Being a Sponsor When considering sponsoring your loved one there are several factors that you need to consider or keep in mind that every sponsor should be aware. Ten facts [...]
June 26, 2023
Family Class Sponsorship Document Guidelines
Family Class Sponsorship Document Guidelines Sponsoring your spouse or Common Law Partner abroad should be an exciting experience. Often enough, this joyous occasion can easily turn into a stressful one if you are struggling with your application. At Akrami and Associates, we [...]
June 26, 2023
Who is a Member of the Family Class
Who is a Member of the Family Class Members of the Family Class When sponsoring a member of the family class, you will also need to know what exactly is a member of the family class. It goes beyond [...]
June 26, 2023
Sponsorship Agreement and Co-Signers
Sponsorship Agreement and Co-Signers Sponsors and co-signers Sponsors and co-signers of all ages and sponsored persons of at least 22 years of age must sign an agreement that confirms their understanding of their mutual obligations and responsibilities. This is not an [...]
June 26, 2023
Financial Requirements of the Sponsor The Low Income Cut Off
Financial Requirements of the Sponsor The Low Income Cut Off Though there is no financial requirement that would preclude or bar a sponsor from sponsoring, your financial situation will still be assessed as to whether or not you will be capable [...]
June 26, 2023
Non Accompanying Family Members and How they Affect You
Unique Relationships in the Family Class Non-Accompanying Family Members and How They Affect You Non Accompanying Family Members Officers are able to use their discretionary ability when determining the outcome of your case, but they must also [...]