June 26, 2023
Responsibilities for Sponsor and Applicant
Responsibilities for Sponsor and Applicant For all sponsorship applications, sponsors must: Ensure that they meet sponsorship criteria and eligibility requirements and are sponsoring a relative that is a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class, [...]
June 26, 2023
Sponsorship Agreement and Co-Signers
Sponsorship Agreement and Co-Signers Sponsors and co-signers Sponsors and co-signers of all ages and sponsored persons of at least 22 years of age must sign an agreement that confirms their understanding of their mutual obligations and responsibilities. This is not an [...]
June 22, 2023
Family Class Sponsorship Agreement
Family Class Sponsorship Agreement Sponsorship Agreement The Sponsorship Agreement is a written contract in which sponsors and applicants make promises to each other. The sponsor submits a completed, signed Sponsorship Agreement with the sponsorship application. The agreement does not need to [...]