Permanent Residence Videos
Canadian Immigration: Permanent Residence Videos
A Permanent Resident is someone who has been given Permanent Resident status by immigrating to Canada under a program category such as the Family Class Sponsorship, Economic Class or the Business Immigration category, but is not a Canadian citizen. If you wish to live in Canada and want to know how you can obtain Permanent Residence status in Canada then watch our Permanent Residence Videos below on how you can get submit a successful application to Immigration Canada to get selected for Permanent Residency.
June 21, 2019
PR Card Renewal Delay
PR Card Renewal Delay If you have applied for the Renewal of your PR card and you have experience a Delay, there are multiple reasons as to why it can be delayed. At Akrami&Assiciates we help you prepare your application and submit it with you for maximum results. [...]
June 18, 2019
Options to Immigrate to Canada
Options to Immigrate to Canada In this video we will explain the different Options to Immigrate to Canada. We will discuss the most important requirements you need to have to be successful in doing so and the different categories that are available to you. At Akrami&Assiciates we help [...]
June 10, 2019
Permanent Resident Options
Permanent Resident Options In this video we will talk about the different Permanent Resident options that are available to you. We will discuss the most important requirements you need to have for a successful Permanent Resident Application and the different classes you may qualify under. At Akrami&Associates, we [...]
October 27, 2017
Residency Obligations for Permanent Residents Video
As a permanent resident of Canada, there are certain conditions and requirements that must be met in order to continue to maintain the permanent residency status. The most important aspect of maintaining permanent residency status in Canada is the residency obligation. Watch our video below to find out the residency obligations for permanent residents in Canada and what happens if residency is not met.
July 17, 2017
How to Apply for, Renew or Replace your PR Card Video
Once you receive your permanent residence, you will have to acquire a permanent resident (PR) card in order to travel in and out of Canada. It is extremely important to have a PR Card with you whenever you are traveling. Watch our video on who is eligible for a PR card and what are the necessary steps should you need to apply for, renew, or replace your permanent resident card.
July 23, 2015
Permanent Residence in Canada Video
If you are interested in obtaining Permanent Residency in Canada there are variety of ways to do so. Watch our video and find out the different options available to apply for Permanent Residency in Canada. Find out which category will best work for you!!
September 29, 2015
Canada Permanent Residence Status Benefits Video
Permanent Residence in Canada is the ambition of many immigrants in Canada and allows for you to remain in Canada on a permanent level while enjoying the many benefits that Canada has to offer. For more information on the benefits of Permanent Residence, watch our video!!
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