October 22, 2018
Study Permit Application Process
Studying in Canada Canada is well-known for its majestic sceneries and tourist hotspots. Not only that, Canada is a modern, progressive, open, and tolerant multi-cultural society with countless opportunities for you to advance your education. There are many prestigious universities in Canada. For example, University of Toronto, University [...]
October 2, 2018
Information about the Federal Skilled Worker Program
Obtaining your Permanent Residency with the Federal Skilled Worker Program There are many ways by which you may obtain a permanent residence status in Canada. Express Entry is one of the options. However, Express Entry can be very confusing to many foreign national, because there are many categories [...]
July 23, 2018
Express Entry Information
Foreign Nationals with Skilled work Experience can immigrate through Express Entry Express entry is a very advantageous pathway to permanent residence for individuals who qualify. This process can be fairly complex, though, it is certainly not impossible to understand. Therefore, it is worth considering whether or not you [...]
July 16, 2018
How to Prepare to Work in Canada
How Can I Work in Canada? To work in Canada, you must have prepared the proper arrangements, and work to gather all the proper documentation. This can be a daunting process. There are several steps that you must take beforehand to secure all the necessary arrangements, and to [...]
June 1, 2018
Live With Your Dependent Child in Canada
Live With Your Dependent Child in Canada It is everyone’s wish to spend their life close to their family, and especially every parent’s wish to spend their lives close enough to their children, to watch them grow and succeed into adults. The Canadian government recognizes this wish, and [...]
May 22, 2018
About Family Class Sponsorships
About Family-Class Sponsorship Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada with family overseas who you wish you could be closer to? Do you and your family wish to reunite and live together in one place? The Canadian government recognized oftentimes many families are separated [...]
May 18, 2018
Understand Dual Intent
I Applied for Permanent Residency; Can I Still Visit Canada Temporarily? There are a variety of ways individuals can achieve permanent residency (PR) in Canada. Though, most often this process takes a very long time. As a result of this, individuals often wish to be in Canada, before [...]
May 17, 2018
What to Know About Applying for Canadian Citizenship
Apply for Canadian Citizenship Though it sometimes seems like a long and daunting process to apply for Canadian citizenship, there are a variety of reasons someone would want to become a Canadian citizen, even if they already have status in Canada as a lawful permanent resident. Canadian citizens [...]
May 1, 2018
Overcoming Inadmissibility to Canada
How Can I Become Admissible To Travel To Canada Have you recently been denied entry into Canada at a port of entry, or had your visitor visa application denied? Do you suspect you are inadmissible to travel to Canada for any reason? Do you have a criminal record? [...]
March 20, 2018
What is Misrepresentation Video
Misrepresentation can be direct or indirect. Direct misrepresentation is when you willingly and knowingly lied about your information. Indirect misrepresentation means that you did not know it was misrepresentation or you were not aware. Watch our video below on what is misrepresentation and advice pertaining to misrepresentation. What is [...]
March 19, 2018
LICO Requirement for Super Visa Video
Before applying for a Super Visa, it is vital for you to understand and know what the LICO requirement is for the Super Visa. The LICO requirement is also referred to as the minimum income requirement. The inviter must have sufficient funds to support the parents and/or grandparents [...]
March 9, 2018
FAQs for Canadian Citizenship
Frequently Asked Questions for Canadian Citizenship In this article, I will be answering frequently asked questions for Canadian citizenship in order for individuals to further understand what Canadian citizenship entails. Canadian Citizenship can only be requested and applied for by a permanent resident of Canada who meets specific [...]