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    February 9, 2018

    FAQs for Moving to Canada from the US Video

    Immigrating to Canada from the U.S. is not as easy as driving across the border and bringing your things with you. Watch our video below on popular questions and answers for individuals who would like to move to Canada from the U.S. as well as some important information [...]

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    June 5, 2017

    Claiming Refugee Status from Inside of Canada

    Claiming Refugee Status inside Canada A refugee is a person who has been forced to leave their home in order to escape war, persecution, or a natural disaster. These individuals can be displaced all over the world; almost always in search of better living conditions and ultimately a [...]

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    February 8, 2017

    Do I need Work Permit or LMIA to Work in Canada

    How can I work in Canada? Would like to apply for employment in Canada, but unsure of where to start from? Did you know that not everyone needs an LMIA based work permit or even a Work Permit to enter Canada for employment? Let’s see if you qualify [...]

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    June 2, 2016

    How can I invite my Parents or Grand Parents to Canada

    Super Visa for Parents and Grandparents Have you ever wanted your parents to be with you in Canada? Did you ever think that it would have been better if your kids could also grow up under your parents just as you did when you were growing up? Do [...]

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    February 3, 2015

    Options to Immigrate to Canada Video

    Want to settle in Canada? Unsure which path you should take? Watch our video to learn about the options available to you to immigrate to Canada.

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    December 15, 2013

    Canadian Immigration Analysis Video

    This video is for those clients who do not know where to start.  The Immigration Analysis will outline your options to Canada. We will collect basic documents from you and provide a step by step guidance on how you can achieve your immigration goals. For more information on your options to Canada, please watch our video below!!

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    September 6, 2016

    Ways to Come to Canada

    Want to come to Canada not sure what route to take? If so, watch our video and find out the different way to immigrating to Canada and which route works best for your Canadian immigration needs!!