Things to Know about an Express Entry

Immigrating to Canada

Have you ever wanted to move to Canada, but are unaware if it is a possible objective to attain? Well, there is an opportunity for you to become a permanent resident of Canada. With the Express Entry application, you are given a good chance of being selected, out of numerous applicants, to be considered as a skilled immigrant and move to Canada. More information on the process and what documents and qualifications are needed to further increase your chances of being selected will be discussed in this blog. Requirements and the point system will also be reviewed. Hopefully, by the end of this blog, you will become a more informed citizen on the immigration matters of Canada and the Express Entry process. This blog has been brought to you by our skilled team of associates at Akrami and Associates, the leading immigration law firm of 2017.

What is Express Entry

An express entry is an immigration application system created online that requires an individual to enter themselves into a pool of applicants, from where the individuals with the top points will be selected to apply for permanent residency in Canada. Each individual will have to first create a profile containing information about themselves along with requirements asked for by the system.

A Comprehensive Ranking System is used to determine which individuals will be given the chance to apply for permanent residency in Canada. This point system collects points primarily from these four main categories: education, language, experience, and age; although there are other subdivisions, which also pertain to the application from where you will be ranked on and scored. This method of application is great especially if you are proficient in multiple languages, have great work experience, excel in your educational pathway and/or have a high degree like MA, BA, PHD, etc. The selected individuals upholding the majority amount of points from their online application will be sent an invitation to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

If you do want to move to Canada and have not already created an online account for the Express Entry application, now is the time to start. If there are any questions or concerns pertaining to this topic or the process of one’s application, feel free to contact Akrami and Associates requesting a consultation. We are sure to help you through your immigration matters, as there is always a way.

What are some general requirements in an Express Entry application

Well, primarily the individual will need to submit police certificates and medical examinations on their online profile. A proof of funds will also be asked for as a basis to prove that you will be financially independent during your arrival and permanent stay in Canada. An area will be given to input the specific amount of money you possess to indicate that you are fully capable of supporting your family and yourself, if you were to attain the status of permanent residency in Canada. The failure to accommodate to the requests of these documents will result in you being restricted from submitting your profile application into the Express Entry pool. If you are one of the higher scorers in points and are selected to be invited to apply for a permanent residency to Canada, you will be asked to upload a copy of these documents on the online platform.

Some documents that may help in filling out the information required in your personal profile would include your passport, language test results to prove your bilingual, your education credential assessment report, provincial nomination, and an employer’s written job offer from Canada. Some documents listed above do not need to be submitted if you do not have them and can be viewed in further detail on our website.

If you do not a have a valid job currently, no longer a provincial nominee, scores from your language test has expired, or the scores for the language test dropped after being tested again are all factors that can lower one’s points in the Express Entry point system. Full list available online.

What happens if certain personal information is different from my account

If information related to the inputted information in your online profile, you should change it on your account and then recalculate the total points. If you do update the following information, do not decline the invitation to apply and proceed to apply for permanent residency in Canada, your application may be refused and your application fee will not be refunded.

There is no need to be worried about declining your invitation, as you will automatically be placed back into the pool of applicants to be retried in a fair and equal manner based on the skills set of each individual applicant.

Will my Express Entry profile expire

Surprisingly, there is an expiry date on your online profile. A year from which the profile was submitted is when the profile expires. If you have not been asked to apply for permanent residency in Canada before the expiry date occurs, your profile will be removed from the system. This does not conclude that you are unable to reapply. If your account does get removed, you can simply start again and create a new account about yourself including new and valuable skill sets and information that could gain you a request to apply for permanent residency in Canada.

Contact Akrami and Associates

Throughout this blog, we have looked at the basis of an Express Entry, what it entails, and some basic requirements that will be asked for when creating your online profile. The Express Entry’s expiry date and updating current information was also brought forth for the purpose of further informing you on the process and minor details entailed into an Express Entry. Hopefully this blog gave you a better understanding of the importance of an Express Entry and how to apply when starting your own online profile. If you have any questions or personal doubts related to this topic or other immigration matters feel free to seek assistance through a request for a consultation from those at Akrami and Associates by calling us at 905-477-2545. With our team of experienced associates and lawyers, any of your immigration questions can be answered. Please do not hesitate to ask, as there is always a way. Also do not forget to check our Facebook page and website ( www.thevisa ) for more information on Canada’s local immigration matters.

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