Why Are Biometrics Important For Canadian Immigration Applicants?

Are you afraid to provide your biometrics during your immigration application to Canada? Don’t worry! It’s absolutely safe.

Biometrics are encrypted and secured by the Canadian Immigration Biometrics Identification System. Why are biometrics needed? Can you enter Canada without biometrics? Well, to get answers to all these questions, read on!

What is the process of biometrics?

Biometrics are identical physical characteristics of an individual that can be utilized to identify them. Considering Canadian immigration, biometrics highlight a photograph and fingerprints, which must be submitted during the immigration process.

The submission of the biometrics process involves the following:

  • You need to submit biometrics along with the application fee to avoid significant processing delays.
  • After submitting the application and paying the fee, you will receive a confirmation letter from the Canadian government if you are required to provide the biometrics. The letter will include the information concerning where you must go to submit your biometrics.
  • You must take this letter along with your passport to the nearest biometrics collection centre and submit the fingerprints and photograph.

It might sound like a tedious process, but there are different reasons why biometrics are needed. We are here to offer you the ultimate guide on biometrics submission. Call Akrami & Associates today!

Who needs to provide biometrics?

An individual needs to provide biometrics if he/she is applying for:

  • A study or work permit (except the US nationals)
  • A visitor visa
  • Refugee or asylum seeker
  • Permanent residence
  • An extension of the visitor visa
  • An extension of study or work permit

However, there are certain exemptions.

Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, any individual applying for temporary residence in Canada is exempted from giving fingerprints and a photograph. This temporary measure implements for an individual if he/she falls into the following categories:

  • Is staying in Canada
  • Applying or having a Canadian immigration application in progress such as restoring the status as a worker, visitor or student; applying for a visitor visa; and several others.

Akrami & Associates is here to help you out! Call us or send an email today.

What is the significance of biometrics?

Biometrics are essential to confirm an individual’s identity. Biometrics helps an immigrant in Canada to stay safe in different ways.

When the biometrics are recorded, it is difficult for people to commit identity theft by stealing, forging or utilizing another person’s identity.

Biometrics also help in resolving errors or issues in an immigrant’s name, place of birth or birth date. When an individual re-enters Canada, biometrics are likely to confirm the person’s identity.

So, which programs require applicants to submit their biometrics?

You need to submit your biometrics depending on the country you are applying from for Canadian immigration, the status you are applying for or the type of visa you need. The Canadian government offers a biometrics tool that permits Canadian immigration candidates to get adequate information regarding biometrics submission by answering certain simple questions.

Have a query regarding biometrics? Call us now!

How often must one provide biometrics?

If you are applying for a work/study permit or a visitor visa, you will have to provide biometrics once every 10 years. Biometrics renewal is required if your application is refused and you are reapplying for immigration.

Conversely, if you are applying for permanent resident status in Canada, IRCC states that an individual needs to provide the biometrics and pay the fees even if he/she has given biometrics for getting a visitor visa, work permit or study permit application.

Final words

Biometrics is the validation of your identity. Akrami & Associates ensure that your Canadian immigration application process meets all the requirements including the biometrics. Call the experts to get adequate guidance on the application process!

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