Work Permit Videos
Canadian Immigration: Work Permit Videos
Are you a foreign worker and looking into working in Canada? If so, then you need a Work Permit. A Work Permit is legal document given by the Canadian Immigration office that allows you to temporarily work in Canada as foreigner. There are different types of Work Permits such as the NAFTA Work Permit, Open Work Permit, Live in Caregiver Work Permit and other types of Work Permit. In here we will specifically focus on what a Work Permit is, qualification factors to obtain Work Permit in Canada, how to file a Work Permit application to Immigration Canada and much more.
February 9, 2018
Difference Between Open Work Permit and Closed Work Permit
For many foreign nationals that are unaware, there is a difference between an Open Work Permit and a Closed Work Permit. If you would like to work in Canada and would like to know more information with regards to work permits in Canada, then this video is for [...]
February 9, 2018
Common Work Questions Answered Video
There are many foreign nationals from around the world that have many questions and are curious about working and employment in Canada. Before applying for a work permit, it is important to understand what is required from you and if you are eligible. Watch our video below on common [...]
October 27, 2017
Q&As for Work Permits for Students Video
In this video, we will address questions and answers for work permits for students, as there are several different work permit options available. This question and answer article is intended for you to further understand what a work permit for a student entails. Watch our video below to discuss some questions and answers with regards to work permits for students in Canada.
October 19, 2017
Labour Market Impact Assessment Exempt Work Permits Video
Did you know that not everyone needs an LMIA based work permit or even a work permit to enter Canada for employment? A work permit is a document that authorizes foreigners to work in Canada. There are two types of work permits: an employer-specific work permit and an open work permit. There are certain conditions applied to a work permit. Watch our video below on labour market impact assessment exempt work permits in Canada and who qualifies for these specific work permits.
October 4, 2017
Canadian Work Permits Video
Canada has many resources and opportunities for people not only inside Canada but also outside of Canada in order for them to gain work and gain adequate experience. Every year thousands of non-Canadians enter Canada on work permits. There are different types of work permits available in order to work in Canada. Watch our video below to find out which work permit best suits you and steps in obtaining a work permit in Canada.
October 3, 2017
How to Find Work in Canada Video
Many individuals from all around the world have the desire to come to Canada to work and experience the Canadian economy and labour market. However, finding a job or employment opportunity in Canada can be a difficult endeavor to pursue. Watch our video below on how to find work in Canada, how to apply for jobs in Canada and much more.
September 12, 2017
Work Permit Eligibility Video
Do you want to work in Canada? If so, you should apply for a work permit. It is important to note that a work permit is necessary for all foreign nationals that wish to work and contribute to the Canadian economy. However, there are also some circumstances that do not require a work permit. Watch our video below on who is eligible for a work permit and who is not, how to start the process of obtaining a work permit and further steps.
July 17, 2017
How Can my Spouse Work in Canada Video
You may ask yourself: How Can my Spouse Work in Canada? This is a very important question to ask as there are some requirements and procedures one must go through before your spouse can be able to work in Canada. Watch our video below to find out the difference between Inland and Overseas Spousal Sponsorship Applications.
November 30, 2015
Do I Need a Job Offer to Obtain Work Permit for Canada Video
If you are interested in working in Canada, you will first need a job offer from a Canadian employer. You will need job offer to apply for the Labour Market Impact Assessment required for obtaining your Work Permit. Watch our video below on what the requirement and eligibility criteria is to obtain your Canadian Work Permit.
November 30, 2015
Canada Work Permit Changes Video
There have been many changes to the requirements of obtaining a Canadian Work Permit through the Labour Market Impact Assessment. Watch our video below that discusses the changes to high skilled and low skilled occupations and its prevailing wage requirements to meet the eligibility to obtain a Work Permit for Canada.
September 29, 2015
Work Permit What Constitutes or Exempts Work Video
Not all work permits require a Labour Market Impact Assessment. Some occupations or intended duties are exempt from this requirement. So if you are planning to work in Canada we recommend you watch our video to learn more about what constitutes an exemption and who is required to obtain a Work Permit.
September 29, 2015
Canada Work Permit Documents Video
Want to work in Canada? Not sure what documents to include with your Work Permit application? Watch our video that discusses three important documents you need to include with your application to be successful in obtaining your Work Permit for Canada.
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