Express Entry is There a Eligible Job Lists

Are you provided with job lists for programs within the Express Entry?

No, there is not any lists that are provided in Express Entry. There used to be a list of eligible occupations that were in demand by the Government under the Federal Skilled Worker Program. There also used to be a list of ineligible jobs under the most recent version of the Canadian Experience Class.

As of today, that particular lists no longer exist.

How would you be found eligible?

In order for you to be considered eligible for any program under Express Entry you must have an occupation that has a National Occupation Classification (NOC) code, with a skill type 0, A or B.

What is included under each code?

Skill Type 0- Management Occupations:

  • These skills and experience are considered to be at the top of the organizational rank of businesses
  • Management is deemed to be responsible, accountable and even sometimes subject to matter expertise

The expertise within this category is obtained usually by either some form of formal education or occupational experience. This being said, all management occupations are included in Skill Level A. The first digit in the code for all management occupations are 0.

Skill Level A:

These jobs require you to have a university degree, such as: Bachelor’s, Masters or doctorate. Some examples of these professions are:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Pharmacists
  • Engineers

Skill Level B:

These jobs will normally require the following:

  • Two- Three years of a post-secondary education at a community college
  • Two – Five years of an apprenticeship training, or;
  • Job specific training courses or even specific work experience

Some examples of these professions would be:

  • Fire fighters
  • Police officers
  • Practical Nurses

On top of having to meet the requirements under one of these Skill Level areas, you will still be expected to meet the minimum language requirements of one of the Federal Economic Immigration Programs. It is also important for you to know that the job offers may also be subject to the Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) requirements.

Confused about what category you may fit in to, or what may be required of you? Well, don’t worry! We have the knowledge, expertise and experience in dealing with Express Entry immigration matters. We can help guide you in the right direction and ensure that you are filling everything out appropriately. All you have to do is contact us and we will get you on the right track immediately.

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