Applying for Certificate of Canadian Citizenship

Lost Canadian Citizenship Certificate

If you have lost, misplaced, damaged or destroyed your citizenship certificate it can be quite frustrating to replace it. If you have found yourself in this sticky situation you must inform your local police department that your card/certificate was lost or stolen. Once you have informed the authorities you would need to apply for new one. Find out below as to steps you need to take to apply for Canadian citizenship certificate.

What is Canadian Citizenship Certificate?

The citizenship certificate is a letter-size paper document (8½ x 11-inch). It lists your Unique Client Identifier, name, certificate number, sex, date of birth, and the effective date of your citizenship. Older citizenship certificates are still accepted as proof of Canadian citizenship, as are citizenship cards. The commemorative certificates presented at citizenship ceremonies are not considered valid proof of citizenship.

A Canadian citizenship certificate carries the following information.

  • Certificate number
  • Family name and given name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Effective date of citizenship

Who can apply for Canadian Citizenship Certificate

To apply for a Canadian Citizenship Certificate, you must be a Canadian Citizen. A Canadian parent may apply for citizenship certificate of a minor child.

You likely are a Canadian citizen if you fall under any of the below category:

  • were born in Canada
  • became a citizen because of changes to the Citizenship Act
  • applied for and received your Canadian citizenship (became a naturalized citizen)
  • received Canadian citizenship as a minor when a parent or legal guardian naturalized you by applying for your citizenship
  • were born outside Canada and at least one of your parents was:
    • born in Canada
    • naturalized in Canada before your birth

When you are not considered as a Canadian citizen

You likely aren’t a Canadian citizen if you fall under any of the below category

  • were born in Canada to foreign diplomats
  • had your citizenship taken away (revoked)
  • renounced your Canadian citizenship and never applied to get it back

You also need to take into account certain criteria when you are not automatically a Canadian citizen if you:

Acceptable Identity Documents to completing a Citizenship Certificate

  • passport
  • driver license
  • age of majority card
  • certificate of Indian status card
  • health insurance identification card
  • senior citizen’s card
  • travel document

If you reside outside of Canada and cannot provide Canadian identity documents then you must provide foreign government-issued identity documents that are equivalent to the Canadian documents listed above. Any documents not in English or French must be translated by a certified translator.

When applying for a minor and the minor does not have two identity documents or photo ID then you must provide an explanation letter with the application.

Not Acceptable Identity Documents to completing a Citizenship Certificate

  • birth certificates
  • social insurance number cards (SIN)
  • bank cards
  • credit cards
  • any previous canadian citizenship certificates

Please note that depending on you uniqueness of your case will determine what type of documents you would need to submit with your citizenship certificate application. Therefore, best to contact our legal experts for more information.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you have lost your Canadian Citizenship Certificate and need to obtain a new one then contact Akrami & Associates to determine your eligibility to apply and the process it entails.

Akrami & Associates has assisted many clients with their immigration issues and we can help you too.

Contact us 416-477-2545 for more information or simply email us at

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