Super Visa live With Your Children in Canada
Super Visa
Suppose you have your children in Canada. They have become permanent residents. What options do you have if you want to visit them?
- Option one is to get a visiting visa or a temporary resident visa.
- The second option is very popular. This type of visa is called a super visa.
To apply for a Super Visa, you need to meet certain requirements set by the government:
- You need to have your children or grandchildren in Canada. They must either be Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. If your children have been in Canada for a short while and have not yet become citizens or permanent residents, then you are not eligible for a super visa.
- The strength of the person’s relationships and life in their home country. For example, suppose you have a business in your home country which you manage. This indicates something that ties you to your home. These strengths are needed because government officials would grant a visa only when they believe that you have much more valuable strengths in your home country, and hence you would leave voluntarily once your visa expires.
- You will also require to obtain medical insurance for a min of 1 year
- The next requirement is not for the applicant but for the children or grandchildren living in Canada. They would have to prove that they have a minimum level of income. A written document has to be produced to prove this. This is to ensure that the children would be able to support their parents on arrival.
In the beginning, we found that there are two options for a parent or a grandparent to visit Canada. The first is a visiting visa, and the second is a super visa. What is the difference between a visiting visa and a super visa?
- A visiting visa is generally given for a time period of six months. If you wish to stay beyond six months, you are required to extend the visa. In order to do this, you will have to pay a fee again.
- With a Super Visa, a person can stay for a longer duration. With this visa, parents and grandparents can stay in Canada for up to 2 years. They need not go through the visa renewal process before the end of two years. Hence a Super Visa is more convenient for parents.
- Super visa falls under the category of multiple entry visas. The most appealing feature of this visa is that it can be valid for up to ten years. So if you have a super visa, you are allowed to stay in the country for two years each time you enter Canada.
- Now suppose you have a visiting visa (multiple entry visa) also valid for ten years. The difference is that in this case, you can stay only for six months. Again getting a Super Visa is far more advantageous since it reduces your work greatly.
What Makes This Program so Attractive to The Applicants?
- The answer lies in the program’s amazingly high success rate.
- The second reason for its popularity is the amount of paperwork involved. Comparatively, less paperwork is needed for the Super Visa program. This is true especially when people want to travel back and forth between Canada and their home countries. With ordinary visas, this would require more applications and inspections. However, with a Super Visa, people can travel easily.
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