Coming to Canada to Study

Who Can Apply For a Canadian Study Permit

There are many prestigious universities in Canada. For example, University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, McGill University, and many more. If you are a foreign national who dreams of studying in Canada, you definitely have a chance to do so. The Canadian government knows it is the dream of many foreign nationals to experience Canada while studying within the Canadian system, and so they have allowed people who would like to come for this purpose to apply for a study permit. Throughout this article, you may gain an understanding for how to apply for a study permit.

Why Do I Have to Apply For a Study Permit

Often times, students need more than six months to complete school work. However, a visitor’s visa cannot allow you to stay in Canada for that long. To study for a period longer than 6 months, you can apply for a study permit and essentially ask the Canadian government for permission to stay in Canada longer than 6 months to pursue a program that interests you, and then return to your country of origin. If the officer believes you seek an extended stay in Canada to pursue studies and you guarantee you will leave once you complete your studies, you are likely to be granted a study permit and have the opportunity to experience the sights, culture, and educational system which are so highly respected worldwide.

How Do I Apply For a Study Permit

To apply for a study permit, there are a few things you’ll need to collect to submit with your application. The following contains the major documents that you will need for your application:

1. a letter of acceptance from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI),

2. proof that you can financially support your stay in Canada, as well as your return to your country of origin,

3. Proof that you will return to your country of origin at the end of your studies. This can be done by showing you have strong ties to your home country which will ensure you return.

It is important to note that, your application should prove that you are an admissible traveler to Canada. To do this, immigration officers may request additional information from you. For example, you may be required to provide a medical exam and a Police Clearance Certificate. Along with this, an immigration officer has the right to request almost anything to ensure you will not be a risk to the security of Canadians.

While I Am Studying In Canada, What Am I Allowed to Do

Obviously, if you are in Canada on a study permit, you are here to study and can do so lawfully, at your designated learning institution. If you need to transfer to another school or change your program of study, you can apply to do so with Canadian immigration services. Generally, you will be permitted to do so; however, you must check this with an Immigration officer so to ensure the changes you wish to make are accepted by Canadian immigration services. In other words, these changes cannot make an immigration officer believe your study intentions are not genuine, or, that you no longer intend to leave at the end of your stay. Moreover, these changes must be approved to ensure you do not move to an unregistered learning institution by accident, as this would invalidate your study permit.

What If I Need to Stay Longer Than My Study Permit Allows Me

If you will not be done you studies before your study permit expires, or you have decided to pursue additional studies while in Canada, it is your responsibility to apply to extend your stay in Canada before your study permit expires. If your study permit has not yet expired you can apply to extend your stay by submitting a new study permit application. If your study permit has expired, you must leave Canada immediately. If you wish to pursue more of your education in Canada, you must apply for a new study permit from outside of Canada. If you successfully submit a new study permit application before your current study permit expires, you are allowed to stay in Canada on implied status. This means that until a decision is reached on your new study permit application, it is implied that you are a lawful visitor in Canada, and can await your new decision as a visitor with the same standards and requirements of your old study permit.

Contact Akrami and Associates

If you have always dreamed of studying in Canada, and would like the chance to experience this country in the future, you’ll need to prepare a comprehensive application to ensure Canadian immigration officers do not deny your wish. Study permit applications are difficult to pursue on your own, especially if you are applying for a permit for the first time. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek out professional help before attempting to apply. Akrami & Associates have helped many of our clients renew, extend and change their study permits. If you believe that you may be eligible to apply, please feel free to contact Akrami & Associates at our office at 416-477-2545 for more information or if you would like to book a consultation with an immigration professional for more advice.

With Akrami & Associates, there is always a way!

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