Intra Company Transfer Work Permit Requirements Video

Intra Company Transfer Work Permit Requirements

This video is about the basics for being qualified for Intra Company Transferee work Permit. There are essentially three requirements for this document. The first is that the employee is currently working in a multinational company is seeking to enter into Canada to work in a parent, affiliate or branch enterprise. Let’s say the foreign company is let’s say in the United States and the branch company is in the Canada. And the employee has to transfer to Canada. But the US Company and the Canadian Company have a qualifying relationship and the employee has been transferred for up to one year.

For example in the US the American is employed in the United States for one year and they need to transfer to a qualifying subsidiary organization of the US into Canada. So they have proof they have worked for a minimum of twelve months.

The third is that they are being transferred into a position which is executive, managerial or specialized knowledge capacity. This very important because the position he needs to be transferred is in executive, managerial or specialized knowledge. The key here is let’s say the employee is of an executive capacity in the US but were transferred into a specialized knowledge into Canada, that’s possible or vice versa of specialized knowledge in Canada and is transferred to a executive position in America which means that they don’t have to be transferred to the very same position but so long as the position is executive, managerial or specialized knowledge.

One other thing I want to reiterate is that the employment must be full time, if the employee has been working part time then the hours have to equate to a full time position.

I hope this video helped with Intra Company Transferee Work Permit, if you have any questions give us a call we are here to help.

With Akrami & Associates there is always a way!!

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