Permanent Residence Status and Temporary Status in Canada

Can I apply for Permanent Resident Status and Temporary Status at the Same Time?

Yes, you may apply for Permanent Resident Status and Temporary Status at the same the time. The Canadian immigration refers to this concept as a dual intent and doing this does no harm to your application for permanent resident. This is if you wish to visit Canada for a short period of time before becoming a permanent resident.

Your temporary status may be looked at with more scrutiny when a permanent resident application is under review. You will need to prove to the immigration officer that you are a genuine visitor with a reasonable purpose and that you will leave at the end of your stay. You will also need to make sure that you comply with all the visitor requirements.

Many people immigrate to Canada while their applications are processing but you must satisfy the officer that you are entering for a temporary purpose. You must show you have intentions to leave at the end of stay. If you have no intentions of leaving Canada at the end of your stay your application will be refused.

Her is a List of Temporary Visas you Could Apply for:

  • Work Permit
  • Study Permit
  • Visitor Visa
  • Business Visitor Visa
  • Super Visa

When it comes to the assessment of dual intent the officer will look at your intentions whether they’re bona fide meaning in good faith. They consider how long you will be spending in Canada and your means of support. The officers may also look at your obligations or ties in the home country and whether you comply with the requirements of the IRPA Rules.

Contact Akrami & Associates

If you are worried about refusal of your applications because it is dual intent, don’t be. When assessing an application where there is dual intent it is the same way they would assess any temporary resident application. You must satisfy the officer and meet the requirements as you would for any visa. For more information please feel free to give us call at 1 877 820 7121.

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