• Need-to-know-information-about-permanent-resident-status.png

    June 11, 2018

    Need to Know Information About Being a Permanent Resident

    What to Know About Being a Permanent Resident? Let’s assume you have just been granted permission to enter Canada as a permanent resident, and have landed as immigrants to officiate your status as a permanent resident of Canada. This is a new and exciting time, but ultimately, it [...]

  • all-about-significant-benefit-work-permits.png

    June 8, 2018

    All About Significant Benefit Work Permits

    What is a Significant Benefit Work Permit? Do you have an interesting business idea, or are an entrepreneur who thinks they have a business idea which could be beneficial to Canadians, then the Canadian government has the program for you! Assuming you as well have an interest in [...]

  • Learn-about-Self-Employed-Immigratio_20180607-091829_1.png

    June 7, 2018

    Learn about Self-Employed Immigration

    Are You a Foreign Business Owner? The self-employed immigration program is a unique opportunity for foreign nationals who wish to be self-employed and are able to do so, bring their business to Canada. In fact, since the investor program shut down indefinitely in 2012, the start-up visa program [...]

  • participate-in-the-youth-mobility-program.png

    June 5, 2018

    Participate in the Youth Mobility Program

    What is the Youth Mobility Program? Have you always wished of seeing foreign parts of the world? Are you a youth who wishes to travel and work abroad while you’re young? If so, the Canadian government has developed the program for you! The youth mobility program sets out [...]

  • May 18, 2018

    Understand Dual Intent

    I Applied for Permanent Residency; Can I Still Visit Canada Temporarily? There are a variety of ways individuals can achieve permanent residency (PR) in Canada. Though, most often this process takes a very long time. As a result of this, individuals often wish to be in Canada, before [...]

  • What-to-Know-About-Applying-for-Canadian-Citizenship.png

    May 17, 2018

    What to Know About Applying for Canadian Citizenship

    Apply for Canadian Citizenship Though it sometimes seems like a long and daunting process to apply for Canadian citizenship, there are a variety of reasons someone would want to become a Canadian citizen, even if they already have status in Canada as a lawful permanent resident. Canadian citizens [...]

  • Visitor-Visas-Questions-and-Answers.jpg

    September 27, 2017

    Visitor Visas Questions and Answers

    Questions and Answers for Visitor Visas In this article, I will address questions and answers for Visitor Visas. This is intended for you to better understand what can ensue when you are in the process of applying for a Visitor Visa to Canada. If you feel as though [...]

  • Business-Visitors-Gain-Easier-Entry-into-Canada-with-Help-of-CETA.jpg

    September 22, 2017

    Business Visitors Gain Easier Entry into Canada with Help of CETA

    CETA Finally Comes into Effect & Helps Business Visitors On September 21, 2017, a free trade agreement between Canada and the European Union (EU) came into effect. This is an extremely exciting opportunity for businesses, their employees, service suppliers, independent professionals, and business visitors to work in Canada [...]

  • Video Cover Image

    July 21, 2017

    On and Off Campus Work Permit Eligibility Video

    More international students now want to work while studying and they have two options to choose from on-campus and off-campus. Of course in order to work in Canada, you must first be authorized to do so. Watch our video below on the eligibility requirements for international students wanting to work while studying in Canada, either on-campus or off-campus, and the difference between the two options.

  • do-I-need-work-permit-lmia-to-work-in-canada.png

    February 8, 2017

    Do I need Work Permit or LMIA to Work in Canada

    How can I work in Canada? Would like to apply for employment in Canada, but unsure of where to start from? Did you know that not everyone needs an LMIA based work permit or even a Work Permit to enter Canada for employment? Let’s see if you qualify [...]

  • How-can-I-Get-Nominated-for-the-Province-of-Alberta.png

    August 5, 2016

    How can I Get Nominated for the Province of Alberta

    Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program AINP The Alberta Immigration Nominee Program, or the AINP, is an economic based immigration program operated under the Government of Alberta and with accordance with the Federal Government of Canada’s Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada – the IRCC. The nominee program supports Alberta’s immigration [...]

  • who-qualifies-for-criminal-rehabilitation-application.png

    March 8, 2016

    Who Qualifies for Criminal Rehabilitation Application

    Applying for Criminal Rehabilitation When traveling to Canada with a criminal history, there is always a chance that you could be detained at the border or port of entry. Those wishing to enter Canada with a criminal record require special permission from an officer to enter. If you [...]