Work Permit Videos
Canadian Immigration: Work Permit Videos
Are you a foreign worker and looking into working in Canada? If so, then you need a Work Permit. A Work Permit is legal document given by the Canadian Immigration office that allows you to temporarily work in Canada as foreigner. There are different types of Work Permits such as the NAFTA Work Permit, Open Work Permit, Live in Caregiver Work Permit and other types of Work Permit. In here we will specifically focus on what a Work Permit is, qualification factors to obtain Work Permit in Canada, how to file a Work Permit application to Immigration Canada and much more.
July 23, 2015
Canada Work Permit Duration Video
Want to work in Canada? Wondering how long it takes to obtain a Work Permit? If so, watch our video on the recent changes that have taken place in immigration which affects the length of time Work Permits are issued. Learn more by watching our video!
July 23, 2015
Obtaining a Canadian Work Permit Video
If you secured a Positive Labour Market Impact Assessment and now looking into filing for a Work Permit application there are three important documents you need to include with your application. Watch our video and find out what three important documents you need to include to be successful in obtaining your Canadian Work Permit.
July 23, 2015
Canada Work Permit Conditions Video
If you have obtained a work permit, there are certain conditions to which you must abide to work legally in Canada. Watch our video to learn the dos and don'ts for open work permit and closed work permit.
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