Super Visa for Parents and Grandparents

Parents and grandparents are one of the greatest blessings in life. Wouldn’t it be nice if they can visit you in Canada and see all that you have achieved? They can see the beautiful life you have built for yourself and meet your family and friends here in Canada. Give them a chance to visit and tour this picturesque country and spend quality time with you. The Canadian government believes in family and community reunification and assists those eligible to unify through the Super Visa. The Super Visa legislation was introduced in 2011 and has allowed thousands of parents and grandparents from across the world to visit their children and/or grandchildren in Canada for extended periods of time.

This legislation has been a great success across Canada in reuniting families, strengthening social, economic and community ties and providing our elderly loved ones a chance to visit Canada. As Canada encourages this family reunification, the Super Visa is one of the most straightforward applications with very high reward. At Akrami and Associates, we are proud to say that we have taken part in and provided excellent support in reuniting many families.

What is a Super Visa?

A Super Visa is a temporary resident visitor visa specifically for parents and/or grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. This visa allows the parents and/or grandparents to visit their children and/or grandchildren here in Canada for extended periods of time. The dependants of your parents and/or grandparents cannot be included in this application.

What is the validity of the Super Visa?

The Super Visa is valid for ten (10) years with multiple entries. Your parent and/or grandparent can stay in Canada up to two (2) years at a time.

Super Visa vs. Temporary Resident Visa (Visitor Visa – TRV)

The Super Visa is a type of Visitor Visa (TRV) and falls under this category. However, there are many differences between the two. The Visitor Visa (TRV) can be valid for ten (10) years but only allows a stay of up to six (6) months per entry. Whereas the Super Visa is typically issued for ten (10) years with a stay of up to two (2) years per entry.

In addition, the requirements for the Visitor Visa (TRV) are often difficult to meet for the elderly parents and/or grandparents living abroad. The purpose of the Super Visa is to alleviate some of those specific requirements so that parents and/or grandparents qualify to visit you in Canada. Under the Super Visa, you as the inviting child or grandchild have certain requirements you must meet to be eligible to extend the invitation.

Super Visa vs. Sponsorship

You can sponsor your parents and/or grandparents under the Family Class Sponsorship: Parents and Grandparents program. This sponsorship application is a very lengthy process. The Parents and Grandparents Program only opens once a year for a very limited period of time. Previously, a lottery system was implemented and applications were randomly selected and then sent invitations to apply. Currently, the system is based on a first come first serve process, where once the program opens for the limited period, applications are picked out based on submission order until the quota is reached and those individuals are then sent the invitations to apply.

Once the invitation to apply is sent there are ninety (90) days to submit the complete application. In addition to the unpredictable nature of the selection criteria and application process, there are very stringent requirements that must be met by both parties. In contrast, the Super Visa is a much simpler, predictable and efficient application process. There is no limited window to apply, a lottery system or a first come first serve process. If submitted in the appropriate manner meeting all the requirements, the Super Visa applications are often issued expeditiously.

Super Visa and Visa-Exempt Visitors

Individuals who are from visa-exempt countries do not require a visitor visa to enter and can remain in Canada for up to six (6) months per visit. If you’re from a visa-exempt country you may require a Super Visa if you’re planning to stay in Canada for more than six (6) months per visit. This is often a very good option for parents and/or grandparents who may have initially planned a short visit but ended up extending their stay. The Super Visa allows for this flexibility without worrying about overstaying your welcomed stay.

Application process and processing time

The Super Visa application can be submitted online or on paper in the parents and/or grandparents country of residence. The application can only be submitted from outside of Canada.

Generally the processing time for the Super Visa is eight (8) weeks from the date the completed application is submitted.

Documents required

As mentioned the Canadian government encourages family reunification and has made the application process simple and efficient. You, the individual inviting your parents and/or grandparents to apply for the Super Visa, must meet certain requirements to be eligible.

The following is a general overview of the required documents. Additional documents may be required depending on individual circumstances. Though this application may appear simple it is very important to ensure that both parties do qualify and that all requirements are met.

To be eligible, you as the individual extending the invitation must:

  • Be the child or grandchild of the invitee
  • Provide a letter to your parents and/or grandparents that includes:
    • A promise of financial support for the length of their stay
    • The list and number of people in your household
  • Provide a copy of your Canadian citizenship or permanent resident document
  • Prove that your household meets the minimum necessary income. Examples of documents to show proof of funds:
    • Notice of Assessment (NOI) for the most recent tax year
    • Employment Insurance stubs
    • Employment letter including salary and date of hiring
    • Pay stubs
    • Bank statements

To be eligible, your parents and/or grandparents must:

  • Be your parent or grandparent
  • Have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company that is:
    • Valid for at least one (1) year from the date of entry
    • At least $100,000.00 CAD coverage
    • Have proof that medical insurance has been paid (quotes are not sufficient)
  • Must not be inadmissible to Canada
  • Take an immigration medical exam

As this is temporary resident visitor visa, it is essential to prove to the officer that your parents and/or grandparents are genuine visitors. There are additional supporting documents that must be included to show proof that the visit is of a temporary nature.

At Akrami and Associates we provide efficient service in putting together the required supporting documents and provide advice to ensure that a strong and thorough application is presented to the officer to assist with a positive decision on your family’s behalf.

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